NENA Backgrounder

What is NENA? 

We are NENA. We are more than 7,000 members and 46 chapters strong—a membership dedicated to saving lives. We work every day on a single, yet vital, mission: providing an effective and accessible 9-1-1 service for North America. In short, we are a membership dedicated to making 9-1-1 and emergency communications work better. We measure our success in the lives that are saved by 9-1-1 each day.

Serving as a link in the delivery of emergency services, 9-1-1 has—throughout its evolution—become recognized as an asset of the North American public. And the NENA organization has been connected to 9-1-1 every step of the way…
Years ago, the National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA) sponsored the first three national 9-1-1 meetings in an effort to create industry awareness of 9-1-1 and collect information on emergency systems already in use. In 1982, the National Emergency Number Association (NENA), a not-for-profit corporation, was founded as a result of these meetings and to further the goal of “One Nation—One Number.”
From assisting and promoting new system installations to educating managers on the latest technologies and business practices, NENA and its members have been intertwined with 9-1-1 during the growth and development of the 9-1-1 systems in North America. NENA is proud to share this heritage, and as an organization, we are uniquely positioned to take 9-1-1 to new heights and to meet new challenges.

Wireless E9-1-1 Implementation and Deployment:  NENA has partnered and led a number of initiatives to advance the deployment and enhancement of wireless E9-1-1 technology. Through our partnership with the U.S. Department of Transportation we have been able to monitor the progress needed to stimulate wireless Phase I and II implementation reporting. To date the industry has been able to achieve just 33% deployment for Phase II and 67% for Phase I service with only a little over a year to go before the FCC deadline for carriers. NENA has worked the General Accounting Office (GAO) and its own Strategic Wireless Action Team (SWAT) to forecast and report needed actions to improve the deployment of wireless E9-1-1.

NENA is a staunch supporter of pending legislation before the United States Congress (HR. 2898 and
S. 1250) that would provide federal matching grants to states for 9-1-1 system upgrades and impose conditions on such aid through a national 9-1-1 program office.

Voice over Internet Protocol:  For several years NENA has been leading aggressive IP development efforts for 9-1-1.  A result of those efforts surfaced in 2003 with adoption of the NENA – VON Coalition agreement, an important first step toward consensus development; to both guide the initial efforts of Voice over Internet providers in handling 9-1-1 calls, and to gain agreement in an active role in the development of migratory and longer term IP and VoIP solutions for 9-1-1. NENA’s schedule for completion of technical and operational elements of this agreement is before the end of first quarter 2005. NENA strongly encourages rapid solution based E9-1-1 development for VoIP applications.

Non-traditional Communications (MLTS, PBX, Satellite and Telematics):  NENA is supporting development methods among public safety, industry and key stakeholders to deliver voice enabled calls through an evolved 9-1-1 network and system including those with disabilities. NENA firmly believes that 9-1-1 service should not be an afterthought for communications providers, but rather an active part of service design and development.

In the 9-1-1 industry, NENA is widely recognized as the standard-setting organization, and its members are the experts in 9-1-1 telephony. The NENA membership—the breadth and depth of its knowledge and the quality of its leadership—has made 9-1-1 successful.

Together, NENA’s leadership team represents the diverse NENA membership, and collectively, the 9-1-1 industry. NENA is an organization dedicated to saving lives through the improvement of 9-1-1 services in North America, and beyond. We are dedicated to making a difference through our work and our collective 9-1-1 association—NENA.
NENA’s Mission

NENA’s Mission is to foster the technological advancement, availability and implementation of a universal emergency telephone number system (9-1-1). In carrying out its mission, NENA promotes research, planning, training and education. The protection of human life, the preservation of property, and the maintenance of general community security are among NENA’s objectives.