July 2002 Minutes

Meeting Minutes – Michigan NENA     July 10, 2002
CCE Central Dispatch – Petoskey, Michigan  

President Mike Sexton called the meeting to order at 10:05 AM at CCE Central Dispatch in Petoskey with 27 present.  Members in attendance:  





Brianna Machuta

Radio North / MSA

Linda Cwiek

Michigan State Police

Bob Bradley

CCE Central Dispatch

Jeff Vezina

DSS Corporation

Gary Brozewski

Bay County 911

Deborah Marshall

Waterford Police

Ellen DeView

Birmingham Police

Christina Russell

Oakland Co. Sheriff

Frank Grant

Birmingham Police

Bud Pesenecker

SBC / Ameritech

Sherri Kessel

SBC / Ameritech

Patricia Coates

Oakland County

Cathy McCormick

Community EMS

Lloyd Fayling

Genesee County

Dennis Stillwagon


Dawn LaCasse


Paul Rogers

Eaton County

Joe Cousineau

SBC / Ameritech

Pat Anderson

SBC / Ameritech

Kevin Walk

Life EMS

Bob Currier


Tom Altland

Mason-Oceana 911

Al Kear


Joe Cousineau


Andy Goldberger

St. Joseph County 911

Mike Sexton

Sexton & Associates

Larry French

Kent County Sheriff Dept



Minutes of the previous meeting held in May at Grand Rapids were read and approved on a motion by Tom Altland, supported by Paul Rogers.  

Treasurer Andy Goldberger presented his financial report.  Motion by Lloyd Fayling to accept and place on file; supported by Paul Rogers.  Motion carried.  

General Account

$   11, 062.48

Conference Account

  52, 488.25

Certificates of Deposit


Savings Demand Account

10, 185.90



Balance on Hand

$ 73, 736.63


ETSC Report by Paul Rogers
Paul reported on the Michigan NENA Board Meeting held in Indianapolis during National NENA.  While in Indianapolis, Paul and Andy Goldberger were invited to attend the Illinois NENA legislative committee meeting to discuss joint efforts with INENA as SBC Ameritech moves forward with their proposed wireless tariff filing.  

A group representing APCO, MCDA, NENA and ETSC has held a meeting regarding wireless funding, tariff issues and other aspects of wireless deployments.  Discussion on SBC Ameritech’s cost recovery discussions and tariff efforts.  Paul feels that we have “patched” our enabling legislation here in Michigan and it is now time to completely re-design a package of bills to address ALL technologies, which can and will access 9-1-1.  Education is a must with the potential of a completely new legislature.  


APCO Homeland Security Summit
Cathy McCormick reported on the summit held June 5, 2002 in Washington DC.  There were approximately 100 attendees being equally split between vendors and PSAP representatives.  The purpose of the summit was to begin dialogue on the issues surrounding Homeland Security.  The forum stressed local input to congress on all issues affecting 9-1-1 and Public Safety Communications.  It was noted that a good deal of federal funding may become available to “first responders” of which 9-1-1 is a key component.

9-1-1 Hero’s Program
This year’s program was deemed a success and the cost to the chapter was approximately $1,500.  In the coming year, nominations will be able to be submitted via the chapter web site in electronic format.  Mike Sexton will chair the 2002-03 committee.  

Sexton presented Linda Cwiek with certificate of appreciation on behalf of the Chapter for her work as this years Hero’s chair.  

MCDA “Tariff” Workshop
Suzan Hensel and Andy Goldberger to represent Michigan NENA will attend a meeting called by MCDA on July 30th to address tariff issues.  


National Conference
Those who attended the National Conference reported on their experiences.  It was noted that Michigan is one of the leaders in Phase I wireless deployments.  The 2003 National Conference will be held in Denver with 2004 in Tampa.

Michigan Annual 9-1-1 Conference
Bob Currier presented the results of an extensive property search for sites to hold our annual conference.  The following sites and locations were contacted and submitted proposals:  Amway Grand Plaza Hotel in Grand Rapids.  Lansing Sheraton, Lansing Radisson Downtown, Lansing Holiday Inn South, Kellogg Center at MSU, all in Lansing area.  Park Place Hotel and Grand Traverse Resort in Traverse City.  

The proposal submitted by the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel was viewed as best with a three-year commitment to the Chapter for our conference.  The only other property with date availability and space that meet our requirements was the Grand Traverse Resort; however their costs were 40% higher than the Amway.  

Motion by Lloyd Fayling, supported by Al Kear to accept the Amway’s proposal and sign a three-year contract.  Discussion followed, Fayling was concerned about the “liquidated damages” clause being one sided.  The contract should protect the Chapter as well.  The motion was amended to note the contract should only be signed after liquidated damages are payable to Michigan NENA as well.  MCU.  

MSP Staffing Changes
Linda Cwiek indicated she would be making a change in responsibilities at MSP and moving to the Director’s office as his executive assistant.  Mary Jo Hovey will be Linda’s replacement in the Uniform Services Bureau and will be supporting the ETSC with administrative responsibilities.  

Elections / Nomination Committee
Marsha Bianconni will chair this years Nomination Committee for Chapter elections.  

NENA Regional Vice President
Andy Goldberger announced that Bob Currier would be seeking the office of North Central Regional Vice President of NENA.  This was announced at the National Conference in Indianapolis.  The election will be held by mail in the spring of 2003, prior to the National Conference.  On a motion by Goldberger, supported by Tom Altland; “Michigan NENA shall endorse and support Bob Currier for the office of Regional Vice President.  The Chapter will provide $1,000 towards campaign expenses.”  MCU.

Good and Welfare
The Chapter recognized Brianna Machuta for her support and membership.  Brianna will be moving out of state soon and we all wished her well.  

The meeting was adjourned at 12:55 PM; the next meeting will be held in Midland County at the Homer Road Training Center, on November 6, 2002.  

Respectfully submitted,  


Robert C. Currier, ENP
Chapter Secretary