Meeting minutes – Michigan NENA February 19, 2003

Clinton County – St. Johns, Michigan

President Mike Sexton called the meeting to order at 10:05am at Clinton County Central Dispatch in St. Johns, Michigan.  Members in attendance:


Jim Fyvie                    Clinton County            June McClullough            Clinton County 911

Greg Main                  Ionia County                        Ellen Luttig               Clinton County 911

Patricia Coates            Oakland County            Ron MacDonald            Hillsdale County

Bud Pesenecker            SBC                            Margie Hatfield            Hillsdale County

Sherri Kessel             SBC/Ameritech            Daniel Loftus              Livonia

Frank Grant                Birmingham Police            Ruth Ivory                Oakland Co. Sheriff

Bill Charon                 Ionia County                        Christina Russell            Oakland Co. Sheriff

Ellen DeView             Birmingham Police            Brianna Machuta            Radio North/MSC

Cheryl Ali                    SBC                            Mike Sexton                        Sexton & Associate

Joe Cousineau            SBC                            Suzan Hensel            Midland County

Pat Anderson            SBC                            Andrew Goldberger            St. Joseph County

Gary Brozewski            Bay County 911            Steve Todd              


Introductions of the state chapter board, past president, host (Mr. Jim Fyvie) along with announcements on housekeeping issues, moved onto audience introductions.


Minutes of the previous meeting held in July at CCE Central Dispatch in Petoskey, Michigan were read and approved on a motion by President Sexton, support by Jim Fyvie.


January 31, 2003, Judge Fisher issued an opinion versus SBC…the land line company is a CMRS supplier injunction by affirmative action, SBC was eligible to apply for reimbursement from the CMRS funds, in response he was ordering ETSC to pay and reporting that he is the jurisdiction.

MCDA favorable decision and open to appeal, although Judge Fisher still retains jurisdiction.

President Sexton – “Do we have a time line for the final decision?”

Bill Charon – “No, not as of yet.”

Pat Anderson – “File tariff to provision wireless to be an approved process, so they cannot bill the PSAP.”

Order written by Doug VanEsseen.








Treasurer Andrew Goldberger presented his financial report.  Motion to place financials on file by Pat Coates, supported by Steve Todd.  Motion carried.


                                                General Account                  $ 15,158.87

                                                Conference Account            $   5,000.00

                                                Certificates of Deposit            $          0.00

                                                Savings Account                   $ 10,255.42


                                                Balance on hand               $ 30,414.29


Report also included the purchase of a plaque to be presented to Col. Steve Madden for his support and work he has done with NENA, to be presented to him at his retirement party by Mr. Goldberger.


Also MI State chapter of NENA was required through national NENA to have an audit done, which was performed by Kevin Loudon.  Mr. Loudon is our new accountant out of Chicago.  The report letter to the board of directors was handed out along with the treasurer’s report with no material problems.




ETSC Update

Mr. Rogers was not in attendance, therefore President Sexton asked Jim Fyvie to provide us with an update from the last meeting.  The counties were to send in recertification by February 28 and the PSAP training funds by February 4.  There will then be review of all county submission requests for reimbursement of funds.


Legislative Subcommittee by Christina Russell

All the different issues that we would like to see changed were brought to table  and put into seventeen different workgroups with chairmen.  Tom Miller presented a timeline and the work seems to be getting and looking favorable.  Final drafts are due to the state by the 28th of February as reported by President Sexton.  Public Act 32 is being cancelled and an option to rewrite the whole thing including new technical information and things that were wrong in the past.  Full ETSC presentation at the March meeting.


Announcement that the next ETSC meeting will be March 28 at Eaton County.


Conference committee by Suzan Hensel

May 11-14th , the pre-conference activity will be the ENP certification test on the 11th.  Conference theme has been chosen as: “The Health and Wellness of 911”.  There will be two themes for the parties, one will be MASH and the other theme we are looking into is Monte Carlo night.  Registration for conference  can be performed online, and scholarships are available with the process online.

Program Review by Mike Sexton

The bulk of the program will be for dispatchers.  President Sexton to review program themes.  There will be a panel discussion chaired by the team leaders of the legislative committee, ETSC, MCDA, etc. at the end of the conference.

Mr. Ralph Gould will be opening his new 911 center for tours during the conference.  The conference will include 21 breakout sessions.  Mr. Goldberger announced that the committee would be attempting to get many of these sessions certified by MCOLES, so PSAPs may be able to use wireless funding.

Steve Todd – Announced he thinks the shift towards dispatchers is an excellent idea but is concerned that the managers and directors may not be aware of the abundant sessions for dispatchers.  Suzan reported that the conference would be broken into three arenas to include: management/technology/telecommunicators.


Old Business


Election results: Announcement of Brianna as new board member.  She was unopposed, therefore the new chapter secretary.


Hero’s program:  Only two submissions to this date.  The final submission date is Aril 1 to Mary Jo Hovey.  Suzan made an announcement that the juvenile program through many counties qualify to be submitted for the hero’s program.


Conference:  First mailing will go out on March 1 with as much information about the conference to date to all members of NENA, APCO, ETSC and MCDA.  The second hard mailing date has not yet been determined.


TCS meeting:  Sgt. Loftus brought to the board the issues he was having on communications to the conference and also brought it to Paul Rogers and the ETSC.  Three conference calls have been placed since the first meeting and things seem to be moving along, the carriers are well aware now and will see to monitoring their PSAP customers better.  Suzan mentioned that Scott Temple did an excellent job representing the ETSC.


ENP certification:  President Sexton announced that we have been honored to host an ENP examination as a pre-conference activity on May 11 at the Amway Grand.  There will be study group sessions available if there is interest.  The test is not designed to flunk you but an overall review and knowledge of all avenues.


Break for lunch


New Business


President Sexton announced wireless grants available through the APCO foundation.  All information is available on the APCO foundation website as well as dates announced on the APCO website.


Glenna Johnson with GeoComm addressed Phase II (the congressional caucus for wireless).  President Sexton going to send it to our state representatives on behalf of Michigan NENA.  Glenna informed the audience that once you implement Phase I, the carriers are going to hit you right away with when you want to be able to start accepting and implementing phase II.


Brianna announced the membership drive contest.


Any other new business? Steve Todd regarding the Homeland first response newsletter.  Announcing that it was an article on weapons of mass destruction effect, regarding biological, chemical and radioactive issues and the response  on what the media and government have been addressing.  Jim Fyvie reported that all funding  available to date is going through EMD and if you are not a part of EMD, you are not receiving information.


Michigan State Police informed Andrew Goldberger about some instances happening regarding five telephone pedestals in a business district being blown up, asked if anyone else had heard anything.


Ron Bloom of GeoComm mentioned the APCO talk server alert with regards to communication centers being targeted by persons posing as college students requesting information for research.


Motion by Jim Fyvie (going to ask MCDA and APCO as well) to have the NENA chapter draft a letter to National NENA requesting that they apply the appropriate pressure to homeland security office funding to include PSAPs in the communication grants.  Seconded by Ron MacDonald.  Motion carried.


No other new business.


Round robin announcements:


Pat Coates and Christina Russell – Currently implementing phase I live with Cingular and Verizon, new radio system and live on air.


GeoComm – Thanked us for attending our meeting, will be at the state conference and have further information available.


Sherri Kessel – 616/269 new area code change out, went mandatory.


Jim Fyvie – trying to finalize back-up dispatch center, looking at command post 911 and welcoming everyone to take a look at their new site and that they are up with five of seven carriers for phase one


Cindy/Karen (Midland County) – Karen has a new address ordinance to be passes by the county, Jim Fyvie requesting a copy.


Andrew Goldberger passed out the giveaways.


Motion to be adjourned by Pat Coates and supported by Christina Russell.

Meeting adjourned at 1:20pm.