Educational Sessions

Telecommunications as an Information Resource for Emergency Centers
Monday, June 22 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Ted Mooney
NICE Systems
This presentation will review the role of voice recording technology in emergency organizations. It will discuss through real-world case studies, including a detailed analysis of the implementation at the City of Denver Dispatch, how to use voice recording effectively in day-to-day operations and the different recording and monitoring needs of different-sized organizations (rural, regional, national).
Creating Results Through Enjoyable Solutions
Monday, June 22 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Phil Sorentino
Humor Consultants
Results, results, results. Everyone wants results.  People create results through many different behaviors.  It’s your actions, it’s what you do, it’s why you get what you get.  This program will give a 7 step approach to deciding what results you want and how to create them while having fun.
TTY Phone Pal Program
Monday, June 22 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Shelly Cantrell
9-1-1 Network of East Texas

Kathy Walters
Texas Assoc. of the Deaf
The East Texas Phone Pal Program has gained national recognition and become a highly acclaimed method for assuring agency compliance with the ADA. Learn how this program was implemented and ways for your agency to develop something similar. Resources will be provided to help you get a program started.
CAD/RMS/Mobile Data Users Go On-Line Across the U.S.
Monday, June 22 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Ronald Kozoman
Lucent Public Safety Systems Division
New technology in the dispatch center has the potential to increase efficiency and save lives. This is an overview of CAD/RMS/Mobile Data and real applications being used throughout the U.S.
Are You Ready for the Big One?
Monday, June 22 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Gary Miller
American Red Cross, Cincinnati Area Chapter
Communications Centers are the hub of any disaster incident.  Logistics – The knowledge of what resources are available, how to manage what is needed, how to figuratively tie down promises and the phantom resource.  How inter-departments and agencies can work together.  Also, a look at what you don’t want for your disaster.
Update for PSAPs: Implementing Phase I Wireless 9-1-1 Service
Monday, June 22 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Eric Sorensen
SCC Communications Corp.
This workshop will address some of the challenges facing PSAPs as they attempt to implement Phase I service for their constituents. Areas covered include 1) Who’s really driving this bus? 2) Application of Cost Recovery models and their impacts on PSAPs and wireless carriers 3) What is required of a wireless carrier to comply with Phase I requirements 4) What level of selective routing is required in your service area 5) How can the PSAP facilitate implementation through integrating wireless 9-1-1 with the existing infrastructure.
Wireless 9-1-1 Standards Update
Monday, June 22 from 2:45 – 3:45 p.m.
Jeff Crollick
SCC Communications Corp.
This session will provide an update on the industry’s work to date on Phase I and II. This will include both the work in TIA TR-45.2 and NENA.
Accessibility Information Available on the Web
Monday, June 22 from 2:45 – 3:45 p.m.
Toni Dunne
Texas 9-1-1 Commission

John Ellison
Shelby County 9-1-1
The NENA home page has become a vital resource for professionals. Discover how the Accessibility Committee page can assist your agency in a variety of ways – from outreach for the communities we serve to getting legal resources and self-evaluation for your agency. For those not yet connected to the information highway…information from this session may be just the justification you need.
Year 2000: The Clock is Ticking…
Monday, June 22 from 2:45 – 3:45 p.m.

John K. Fuller/Jeff Wittek
Plant Equipment, Inc.
Everyone has heard about the Year 2000 (Y2K) – the issues and possible ramifications for the public safety industry are enormous.  This session will focus on the technical aspects of the Y2K challenge and the Y2K impact on the day-to-day operational issues of the PSAP.  With time ticking away … Y2K is millenium. Don’t miss this highly informative session!
Application Guides for ISDN at the PSAP
Monday, June 22 from 2:45 – 3:45 p.m.
Deborah Guyton
We discuss the advantages of having an ISDN interface from the E9-1-1 tandem to the PSAP rather than an enhanced MF interface. The appeal in ISDN as an E9-1-1 interface is driven by better call setup time, combining data capabilities with the voice connection, and having a set of standards for the E9-1-1 tandem-to-PSAP Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) interface which would be available from any switch type. Guidelines to upgrade to a Primary Rate Interface or a Basic Rate Interface will be reviewed. The upgrade path should be based on the individual needs of a PSAP.
Communications Center’s Roles in Disasters
Monday, June 22 from 2:45 – 3:45 p.m.
Jim Owens
Clermont County (OH) Dept. of Emer. Plan. & Oper.
This session relates lessons learned from the Ohio River flooding in 1997. Unique examples of problem solving and planning considerations through real life experiences are shared. Learn how Communications Centers can better prepare for situations requiring emergency management.
Black Belt Leadership: Art of 9-1-1 Judo
Monday, June 22 from 2:45 – 3:45 p.m.
Sue Pivetta
Professional Pride Inc.
Sue Pivetta proudly wears a DoJo Black Belt in Judo and brings principles of personal and professional leadership to link Judo to 9-1-1 Leadership.  This lively presentation by a professional speaker will explore old challenges with new eyes.   The group will look at the realities of Ju in Com Center, discuss realizing your own michi, explore the unseen realities while not mistaking shadows of substance.   Come discover something original.
Re-engineering the MSAG and CAD Foundations
Monday, June 23 from 2:45 – 3:45 p.m.
Todd Radulski
The wireless mandate along with the increasing complexity of real world response problems requires a re-engineering of ALI and MSAG databases from a Telco-centric model to a PSAP-centric model. The steps to prepare for the next generation MSAG model will be discussed. CAD systems today can be characterized as stand alone and non-integrated to the MSAG systems. The CAD and the MSAG database will have a common foundation in the future to save money, increase accuracy, and increase the probability of finding the location of the caller.
Wireless 9-1-1 Phase II Workshop
Tuesday, June 23 from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
Jeff Crollick
SCC Communications Corp.

John Melcher
Greater Harris County 9-1-1 Emergency Network

Eric Sorensen
SCC Communications Corp.

Mike Amarosa
TruePosition/Associated Group Inc.
This workshop consists of presentations covering the following areas: Network standards issues for Phase II implementation; Status of the Standards Committees progress for Phase II standards; requirements for Location Technologies within a wireless carrier’s network; Integration of spatial location information to the real time 9-1-1 call process; Work environment impacts for PSAP dispatchers and management; Successful implementation strategies for local government and PSAP agencies. A Q&A period will follow the presentations.
Data Mining: Unleashing Your Agency’s Public Safety System Database
Tuesday, June 23 from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
Askold Wawryszyn
The Warner Group
This session will address the following questions and trends: What are open databases and what features lend themselves to be data-mined? What third-party tools for inquiry and ad hoc reporting are available to “mine” open databases? What are emerging “mining” trends in public safety agencies? What are some real-life examples where these tools and techniques are being used?
CAD/IWS Integration: A Primer for PSAP Managers
Tuesday, June 23 from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
Jerry Eisner
HTE, Inc.
This session is intended to educate 9-1-1 managers on the basic integration of Computer Aided Dispatch systems and Intelligent Work Stations within the PSAP.   Topics to be covered include: CAD basics, CAD CAD network topographies, CAD External Interfaces, IWS basic functionalities, IWS network topographies, system integration, ergonomic considerations and information overload potentials.  It will cover issues that need to be addressed prior to implementation of a successful CAD/IWS project.  The discussion will be divided into concepts and technical issues for consideration.  A Question and Answer session is included to address specific concerns.
Tuesday, June 23 from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m
John K. Fuller
Plant Equipment, Inc
John Ellison
Shelby County 9-1-1
The Internet is quickly becoming the major medium for public safety communications throughout the world. During the scheduled seminars, you’ll learn how to access, use and understand the Internet. Even if you’ve never been on-line, you’ll learn what it takes to use the Internet!
Sponsored by Plant Equipment, Inc., Microsoft, and Compaq Computer Corporation, INTERNET 101 and INTERNET 201 promise to be both educational and exciting.
EMD… More Than Just a Set of Cards
Tuesday, June 23 from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
Eriks Gabliks
Oregon DPSST
EMD is a reality! There are a number of critical success factors in the implementation of an EMD program. This session will share the elements of a successful EMD program including pre-arrival card selection, initial and field training, public education, ride-along, quality assurance, continuing education, and resources.
9-1-1 Education for Seniors
Tuesday, June 23 from 9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
Ronald Bonneau
Raise awareness of PSAP managers of the need for specialized 9-1-1 education for seniors. Emphasis on the physical and health barriers that impact the ability to access and utilize 9-1-1 as it was intended.
Internet 201- Taking It To The Next Level
Tuesday, June 23 from 9:45 – noon
John K. Fuller
Plant Equipment, Inc.

John Ellison
Shelby County 9-1-1
As the Internet becomes more and more a medium for global communications, understanding its capabilities and limitations is critical for public safety specialists. For those already familiar with the Internet, this Internet 201 session will review the benefits of both the Internet and Intranet. We’ll offer an in-depth (hands-on) overview of the development and management of a web site, learn how you can utilize the power of information, and see what tools and resources are available to help you maximize the capabilities of the sharing information.
Sponsored by Plant Equipment, Inc., Microsoft, and Compaq Computer Corporation, INTERNET 101 and INTERNET 201 promise to be both educational and exciting.
Communications Renovation-Cincinnati Northern Kentucky International Airport
Tuesday, June 23 from 9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
Frederick Griffin
Frederick G. Griffin, P.C.
This session will describe the recently completed upgrade and implementation of the communications system at Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport.
E9-1-1 Service for the 21st Century
Tuesday, June 23 from 9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
Deborah Guyton
As more information or data are being required/requested to be passed and processed with an E9-1-1 call, emergency services personnel will have more opportunities to use this information for the good of the public. In addition, the public has become more mobile and the information must relate to where they are and the situation they are in at the moment of the 9-1-1 call. The communications network to handle these data will undergo many enhancements to meet these needs as well as provide opportunities for new/enhanced services in other related areas (e.g. medical, traffic/highway flow) for service and information providers. These new opportunities for revenue may help offset the costs of the significant enhancements taking place.
Consolidation vs. Autonomy: Designing Your New/Remodeled Center
Tuesday, June 23 from 9:45 – 10:45 p.m.
Verdette Hall
RCC Consultants, Inc.
This session will provide an in-depth analysis of the pros and cons of consolidating all agencies in one dispatch center vs. individual agency centers. Discussion includes construction, budget and reliability issues, plus basic overview of 9-1-1 network call routing and interaction with CAD systems.
NENA TTY Equipment Standards
Tuesday, June 23 from 9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
Billy Ragsdale
NENA PSAP/CPE Technical Committee Chair, Billy Ragsdale, will provide an overview of the CPE Recommended Standards as they relate to TTY. This session will enlighten PSAP managers to all aspects of consideration for evaluating accessibility and compliance of the communications center.
Using GIS to Maintain Your MSAG
Tuesday, June 23 from 9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
Robert White
Maine Office of GIS
This session will include how to use GIS to maintain the MSAG, benefits of using GIS for this, and costs. Also discussed will be how the State of Maine interacts with local communities, and Telco service providers.
Maximizing Telecommunications Technology in Your PSAP Design
Tuesday, June 23 from 11:00 a.m. to Noon.
Brian Bark
L. Robert Kimball & Associates, Inc
Kevin Murray
L. Robert Kimball & Associates, Inc.
Today’s PSAP requires planning for voice, data and video applications. Now is the time for PSAP managers to plan future capabilities by leveraging technology. This session will identify items to consider for design of a new PSAP and renovation of an existing PSAP.
Review of NENA’s 1998 Technical Development Conference
Tuesday, June 23 from 11:00 a.m. to Noon.
Charlie Bonney
Southwestern Bell
This session will present in summary form the results of the Technical Development Conference held in Orlando in March. Work accomplished in each of 4 tracks – Network, ALEC/PS, Data, and Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) – will be reviewed. Time will be allotted for open discussion by participants.
Stress Reduction: How to Improve Personal Productivity
Tuesday, June 23 from 11:00 a.m. to Noon.
Nancy Branson
This session will help participants achieve specific, concrete, and usable strategies for dealing with change within the workplace. You will learn what skills are needed to deal with stress in your life and how to move toward the lifestyle you desire. Nancy’s 12 years of experience in 9-1-1 gives her special insight into the kinds of stress 9-1-1 administrators face on a daily basis.
9-1-1 Location Technology: A Demonstration
Tuesday, June 23 from 11:00 a.m. – noon
Chuck Hinkle
KSI, Inc.
Chuck will discuss and demonstrate the application of Angle of Arrival (AOA) wireless (cellular, PCS and SMR) tracking technology. The demonstration will include identifying and locating a cellular phone at call set-up, tracking the calling phone after call set-up, and then tracking the emergency response vehicle as it responds to the call. The presentation will include an associated discussion and description of E9-1-1 cellular locating and tracking technologies, integration of those technologies into the wireless and wireline infrastructure, and ancillary benefits of infrastructure related location technologies.
Critical Success Factors in Regional Public Safety Communications
Tuesday, June 23 from 11:00 a.m. to Noon.
Steven Buckley
The Warner Group
San Diego and Imperial Counties, California, established a consortium of public and private agencies throughout the two counties. This session will focus on the critical success factors that must be addressed in order to avoid common pitfalls and protect regional as well as individual agency interests.
Dispatch Is The Heart of C.P.R., Courtesy, Professionalism, and Respect
Tuesday, June 23 from 11 a.m. to Noon
Willie Sandoval
Boulder Regional Communications Center
Mary Hester
SCC Communications Corp.
This session will help participants understand the importance of customer service in the public safety relm.  Who our customers are, and the active relationship supervisors and dispatchers must have with them.  This session also covers the dichotomy of mentoring relationships with co-workers, who should be mentors and how this concept intertwines with C.P.R.
National Training Standards for TTY
Tuesday, June 17 from 11:00 a.m. to Noon.
Toni Dunne
Texas 9-1-1 Commission
What training are you providing for specialized TTY call handling? Learn what information should be included, where resources can be found and how we can incorporate such into existing and future training requirements.
Responsibilities for Data Base Maintenance at the PSAP
Tuesday, June 23 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Muriel Haglind
Metropolitan 911 Board
Learn the PSAP methods and procedures for effective data base maintenance for E9-1-1 systems. “You all share in the ownership of the integrity of your E9-1-1 system.” Who is responsible for what? Forms to use? MSAG; 9-1-1 ANI/ALI Inquiry Forms; Customer record errors.
Personnel Management Issues in the 9-1-1 Center
Tuesday, June 23 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
John Kelly
Ottosen, Sinson, Trevarthen, Britz and Dooley, Ltd.
This session will provide 9-1-1 Center managers a basic understanding of current federal and state laws and court decisions which impact the supervision and management of the 9-1-1 center’s number one resource – the telecommunicators. Examples taken from recent cases will be used to provide guidance on avoiding pitfalls created by government regulation. Additionally, techniques for the management of frequently encountered personnel problems will be applied to problems encountered in your center. Attendees will be given an opportunity to share common experiences and solutions.
Technical Assistance for ADA Compliance
Tuesday, June 23 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Robert Mather/Ryan Warren
U.S. Department of Justice
Over the past year, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has been very active in technical assistance and compliance reviews across the nation. This session will provide an update, discuss areas that are frequently related to non-compliance, and what the DOJ is doing to assist. Participants will gain a better understanding of what an agency must do to be in compliance.
Wireless Phase II Trial – King County, Washington
Tuesday, June 23 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Marlys Davis
King County E9-1-1 Program Office
The initial results of an ongoing Phase II trial in King County, Washington will be presented. This trial is testing the accuracy and viability of a GPS location technology as a Phase II solution. The trial will include call routing by XY coordinates from four areas of the county to three different PSAPs. Latitude, longitude, altitude, speed, direction of travel, ten-digit ANI, and subscriber=s name and billing address are transmitted with the 9-1-1 calls. The calls and associated information are presented to call takers on E9-1-1 Intelligent Workstations, including the integration of a map on which the calls are XY plotted. A demonstration of the technology will be included in the presentation.
Wireless E9-1-1: The Evolution Revolution
Tuesday, June 23 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Michael Meyer
Lucent Technologies
This session will present a practical evolution strategy from todays network infrastructure to one which reliably and cost effectively supports wireless E9-1-1 service and provides a basis for other public safety services today and on the horizon.
If You Can Live Without Calling 9-1-1
Tuesday, June 23 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Pat Nolan
Dye, Van Mol & Lawrence

Gay Porter
Dye, Van Mol & Lawrence
Most areas of the country have had problems with excessive, non-emergency calls coming in on the emergency 9-1-1 lines. Nashville has been no exception. A survey indicated that more than 26% of the calls received on 9-1-1 lines were actually non life-threatening emergencies. Learn how an awareness campaign was developed to make the general public more conscious of the specific emergency nature of 9-1-1 calls and to use a general police information line for non-emergency calls.
Power Quality and Grounding for 9-1-1 Centers
Tuesday, June 23 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Mike Guewrdette
Northern Technologies, Inc.
Attendees will receive a comprehensive look at the technical power environment encountered in today’s 9-1-1 centers, the damaging effects of poor quality power, and the varied solutions to common power problems. Topics to be discussed: AC power distribution, purpose and techniques of grounding, lightning protection, power line anomalies, and power conditioning.
Muskegon Central Dispatch Enables Mobile Patrol
Tuesday, June 23 from 2:45 – 3:45 p.m.
Greg Childers
Cerulean Technology, Inc.

Roger Doctor
Norton Shores Police Department
Responding to 175,000 9-1-1 calls annually leaves little extra time to handle patrol officers’ inquiries to Michigan’s Law Enforcement Information Network (LEIN). With their new mobile software, officers can run LEIN inquiries directly from their patrol cars, accessing information without dispatcher intervention. Additionally, the system is integrated with their records management software, which makes in-car report writing easy.
Accessibility Issues Roundtable
Tuesday, June 23 from 2:45 – 3:45 p.m.
Toni Dunne
Texas 9-1-1 Commission
Following a brief report on the NENA Accessibility Committee activities, conferees are invited to participate in an open-forum discussion to identify issues and share solutions or resources with colleagues.
Network 9-1-1: The Controller-less PSAP
Tuesday, June 23 from 2:45 – 3:45 p.m.
Tony Parrott
CML Technologies, Inc.
This session will feature the implementation of a central office based digital switch platform that serves multiple counties or PSAPs without the requirement of a traditional 9-1-1 controller at each location. The technological aspects of planning and implementation of such a system will be discussed. One or more proven installations will be used as a case study for this application of technology, its benefits, costs and operational characteristics. The impact on PSAP equipment, network topology and database systems will be discussed.
A Cry for Help: Domestic Violence and the Child Caller
Tuesday, June 23 from 2:45 – 5:00 p.m.
Phil Salafia
PowerPhone, Inc
According to the National Institute of Justice, children are reporting 33% of domestic disturbance incidents. These children, scared, traumatized and possibly injured are the call taker’s only link to providing responders with as much information as possible to safely secure the scene, protect the child and victim and preserve evidence. Attendees will learn information gathering techniques and pre-arrival instructions geared specifically to child callers. Liability, confidentiality and issues such as the “kill zone” and officer safety will also be explored.
Data Technical Committee: An Update
Tuesday, June 23 from 2:45 – 5:00 p.m.
Barbara Thornburg

Delaine Arnold
This session will review standards development by the Data Technical Committee; current issues being addressed; and review of work accomplished at the Technical Development Conference. Time will be allotted for open discussion by participants.
Wireless Phase II Location Systems: Description and Comparison
Tuesday, June 23 from 2:45 – 5:00 p.m.
Dennis Kahan
SigmaOne Communications Corp.
This session will describe technological approaches to location determination, including the following techniques: Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA), Angle of Arrival (AOA), Global Positioning System (GPS), Ray Tracing, and Hybrid TDOA/AOA. Each will be compared according to a number of criteria including accuracy, coverage, and cost. Where applicable, various trials and tests will be explained. Finally, the roles of major players in implementation of Wireless Phase II will be described.
Wireless TTY… Can We Really Get These Calls?
Tuesday, June 23 from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Billy Ragsdale
Subject Matter Experts (SME) will discuss FCC 94-102, requiring TTY access over wireless analog and digital systems, and provide an update on activities occurring within the industry to meet this mandate.
CDPD Service for Emergency Communications
Tuesday, June 23 from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Bob Stein
AT&T Wireless Data Division
CDPD service has proven to be a viable technology for emergency wireless communications. It enables applications such as: CAD, records, queries, messaging, and others in a mobile environment. CDPD is a low cost implementation of mobile data technology.
Building Disaster Resistant Communities During a Time of Change
Wednesday, June 24 from 11:00 a.m. to Noon.
Barbara Reagor
Today, emergency professionals are facing the impacts of a global communications revolution. They are being asked to deal with Local Number Portability, locating wireless and PBX customers who are in trouble, upgrading their PSAPs to handle not only more load, but a whole new level of computer sophistication. They are facing an integration nightmare as well as the impending effects of the Year 2000 computer conversions. This presentation will look at the challenges being faced by emergency professionals and provide strategic paths forward that will enable the development of Disaster Resistant Communities.
Implementing Quality Assurance: Call Taker Protocols
Wednesday, June 24 from 11:00 a.m. to Noon.
James Hunsaker
Salt Lake City Police Department
In January, 1998, the SLCPD Communications Center implemented a call taker protocol and quality assurance review system similar to a medical priority call taking system. The goal is to enable the SLCPD Communications Division to set a measurable performance expectation, which will be vital to guide its ongoing training program. Jim will share the results of 6 months of operation.
Local Number Portability Panel
Wednesday, June 24 from 11:00 a.m. to Noon
Mary Sharp
SCC Communications Corp.
The following will be discussed: 1) Status of rollout – where LNP has started and issues that have arisen 2) Geographic Portability – status of implementation 3) What LNP issues/concerns were not covered in NENA Recommended Standards and 4) Company IDs – when and why are they needed.
Wednesday, June 24 from 11:00 a.m. to Noon.
Brian Fisher
Ohio ADA
As administrators and employers, you are knowledgeable of the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Are you familiar with how these two Federal laws relate to each other? This session will provide participants with an understanding of differences and overlap between the two.
Wireless Mobile Emergency Response: Giving Your Records Mobility
Wednesday, June 24 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
John Dorr
Cerulean Technology, Inc
Wireless Mobile Information Software technology facilitates user communication and access to mission-critical data. A tightly integrated RMS mobile solution requires remote access and the ability to update a complete set of data quickly and easily. Center to this principle is easy access to other PC applications that provide data such as chemical databases, location of interest information, and out-of-service information. A pilot emergency response agency will be profiled during the presentation.
The Road to Geocodes: Building E9-1-1 Databases with GPS/GIS
Wednesday, June 24 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Bill Elliott
GeoResearch, Inc.

Matt Pearce
GeoResearch, Inc.
This presentation will discuss inherent advantages for using GPS/GIS technology to create an accurate geocoded address and street database in support of map-oriented CAD and E9-1-1 systems. A GPS/GIS derived geographic database supports automated creation and update of ESZ and PSAP databases, and provides a digital base map the dispatcher can use to display geocoding wireless call locations in real-time. Meeting FCC mandates for locating wireless calls has placed increased importance on implementing geography-based E9-1-1 solutions.
4th and Goal: Are We Ready?
Wednesday, June 24 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Robert Guyan
Canfield Police Department
This session deals with making sure your dispatchers are completely ready for anythingand that your center has all plans in the placeot operate under all conditions.
Preventing Lightning Damage at the 9-1-1 Site
Wednesday, June 24 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Bruce Kaiser
Lightning Master Corporation
This session focuses on lightning protection concerns, problems and solutions at 9-1-1 facilities. It addresses: common causes of lightning related problems at 9-1-1 sites; a practical checklist of specific preventive steps 9-1-1 management can take to avoid lightning induced damage resulting in service interruptions and costly equipment repair/replacement; a case study of how one 9-1-1 system successfully overcame serious, repetitive lightning related problems
Be Careful What You Wish for…
Wednesday, June 24 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Steve Meer
SCC Communications Corp.
Historically, 9-1-1 service and evolution have been public safety driven. Now, as the result of a more complex telecommunications industry, the impetus for change in 9-1-1 is largely external to public safety. This in turn is creating a demand for public safety professionals to look outward to develop a higher level of knowledge about the telecommunications industry on a wider scale.
Alphabet Soup
Wednesday, June 24 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
David Rosenthal
Southwestern Bell
The telecommunications industry is not new to acronyms but the abundance of such spans into other areas that bridge to emergency services. HCO…VCO..TRS…and more. Learn the lingo and how it relates to telephone emergency services.
ALEC/PS Issues: An Update
Wednesday, June 24 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Roger Hixson

Judy Graham
Time Warner Communications

Geri Lopez
This session will review standards development by the ALEC/PS Technical Committee; current issues being addressed; and review of work accomplished at the Technical Development Conference. Time will be allotted for open discussion by participants.
Chicago’s Integration of 3-1-1 with 9-1-1
Wednesday, June 24 from 2:45 – 3:45 p.m.
Glen Funk
City of Chicago, Office of Emergency Communications
In early 1998 Chicago became the first major city in the country to fully integrate emergency and non-emergency calls for service. Introduction of Phase I non-emergency service overlaid the 3-1-1 service onto existing police and city services program. Phase II centralized all citywide non-emergency response services within a 3-1-1 center and fully cross-functionalized the new center with existing S9-1-1 service. Hear how it was accomplished.
9-1-1 Training Officer Roles & Responsibilities
Wednesday, June 24 from 2:45 – 3:45 p.m.
Eriks Gabliks
Oregon DPSST
Your 9-1-1 Center Director has just informed you that you have been selected to be the 9-1-1 training officer. What do you do? Where do you start? This presentation will look at the various functions of the training officer. Areas discussed will include initial and entry training, field training and evaluation, ride-along programs, continuing training for seasoned telecommunications professionals, training program management, and resource identification and utilization.
9-1-1 National Reference Center
Wednesday, June 24 from 2:45 – 3:45 p.m.
Beth Ozanich/Melinda Bise
SCC Communications Corp.
NENA and SCC have teamed up to create the 9-1-1 National Reference Center (NRC). The on-line system provides PSAP information, company identification and NENA’s Company ID along with 24-hour contact information for 9-1-1 registered companies, and a clearinghouse for pseudo ANI numbers used by carriers for wireless call routing across the country. Future plans include a graphic representation of PSAP boundaries in the 9-1-1 NRC.
PSAP/CPE Technical Committee: An Update
Wednesday, June 24 from 2:45 – 3:45 p.m.
Billy Ragsdale
This session will review standards development by the PSAP/CPE Technical Committee; current issues being addressed; and review of work accomplished at the Technical Development Conference. Time will be allotted for open discussion by participants.
Contingency Planning for TTY Access
Wednesday, June 24 from 2:45 – 3:45 p.m.
Richard Ray
City Offices on Disability
Have you considered all aspects of communications in your contingency and PSAP backup plans? This session will provide insights to how one of the largest PSAPs in the nation has handled TTY access issues in their contingency plans.
Wireless E9-1-1: A Look at Issues and Trends
Wednesday, June 24 from 2:45 – 3:45 p.m.
Timothy Zenk
XYPOINT Corporation

Kenneth Lowden
Steuben County Communications
The session will cover legislative and public policy trends for implementation of wireless E9-1-1. Part One of the Presentation will review the public policy implications of the final FCC wireless mandate on wireless carriers. Part Two will review the legislative trends that have developed since the release of FCC Report and Order 96-264. Part Three will case study how NENA’s Indiana chapter successfully developed wireless cost recovery legislation, built coalitions and found win-win solutions that benefit public safety and wireless carriers.
Stress Management Workshop
Thursday, June 25 from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Linda King-Edrington
Southwest Ohio Critical Incident Stress Management Team
Our response to stress is a major influence on our well being. This workshop has been specially designed to address the many aspects of stress management at the PSAP.