Activation Process


The following is an excerpt from the TERT PSAP Manager’s Guide
(Also available in PDF)



The “TERT PSAP Manager’s Guide” is currently in draft form and has been released early to assist those Texas PSAPs currently dealing with, and preparing for, Hurricane Rita. TENA recognizes that portions of this document are incomplete and current disaster conditions may require deviations from the proposed content.





1.                  The local agency or jurisdiction experiences an event that causes local officials to declare an emergency.  Examples are tornado, hurricane, flooding, weapons of mass destruction incident. It is important that your local officials have declared an emergency prior to contacting TERT for assistance.

2.                  The PSAP Manager has two (2) different methods of contacting TxDEM indicated by 2a and 2b below.  PSAPs that have working relationships with DPS may prefer to initiate a request via their local DPS Captain (step 2a).  PSAPs that do not have working relationships with DPS may prefer to contact TxDEM directly (step 2b).  The PSAP Manager should choose the contact method that he/she is most comfortable with in order to initiate a TERT activation.  Both methods are similar with only an additional step added for those PSAPs that would contact their local DPS Captain for activation.  

a.      Once an emergency is declared, the PSAP Manager should contact their local DPS Captain at ____________________ (insert your local contact number).  The PSAP Manager should advise TxDEM that the jurisdiction is declaring an emergency and request a TERT activation.  The DPS Captain shall forward the request to TxDEM for TERT activation. 

b.      Once an emergency is declared, the PSAP Manager should contact the Texas Department of Emergency Management at ___________ (need number).  The PSAP Manager should advise TxDEM that the jurisdiction is declaring an emergency and request a TERT activation. 

3.              TxDEM will notify one of the on-call TERT advisors that a request for activation has been received.  A copy of the monthly on-call roster is included on Page 4 of this guide.  A PSAP Manager may also contact an on-call TERT advisor to place TERT on stand-by status; however, the PSAP Manager must also contact TxDEM before a team will be deployed to the site.

4.                  Once the on-call TERT advisor has been contacted, he/she will contact the PSAP to complete the PSAP Activation Questionnaire.  The questionnaire is available on Page 11 of this guide.  The information gathered on the questionnaire will assist TERT in facilitating your request for responders.

5.                  The TERT Advisor will evaluate the needs of the Requesting Agency and consult the TERT agency database to locate a responding agency that will fit the requesting agency’s needs.  The TERT Advisor will contact perspective responding agencies to determine availability. 

6.                  If the TERT Advisor is unable to locate a 100% match to the requesting agency’s equipment and operational needs, the TERT Advisor will contact the requesting PSAP Manager to determine what needs can be met.  Equipment varies widely throughout the state as well as some protocols, i.e. not all PSAPs provide emergency medical dispatching (EMD).  The severity of the declared emergency may dictate the PSAP Manager’s needs.  While the PSAP Manager may prefer EMD qualified personnel, the level of call volume may be such that having additional personnel to answer phones, regardless of EMD certification status, would still benefit the PSAP. 

7.                  Once a responding agency has been identified, the TERT Advisor will request that the responding agency deploy personnel to assist the Requesting Agency. 

8.                  The TERT Advisor will contact the Requesting Agency and provide details on the Responding Agency, i.e. number of personnel, estimated time of arrival if available, qualifications.

9.                  During the duration of the declared emergency, the TERT Advisor will periodically contact the PSAP Manager to determine if additional personnel are needed or if TERT can stand-down. 


To assist PSAPs in utilizing TERT in a mutual aid response request, we have clarified the role of the agency initiating a request to activate TERT, hereinafter referred to as the “Requesting Agency”.  This clarification is to ensure that TERT provides the affected PSAP with the necessary resources that the PSAPs needs to maintain an expected level of service despite being affected by a disaster. 

The Requesting Agency Role is:  

  1. Verify that local officials have declared an emergency prior to contacting TxDEM.
  2. Activate TERT by utilizing the Activation Flow Chart
  3. Provide specific information outlining your PSAP’s needs to the TERT Advisor.  The PSAP Activation Questionnaire on Page 11 is the minimum information that a TERT Advisor will need in order to start the activation process.  The TERT Advisor may ask additional questions depending on the nature of the disaster.
  4. Assign and monitor tasks as necessary to the Responding Agency personnel while they are working in your PSAP. 
  5. Inform TERT of any problems regarding Responding Agency personnel, i.e. skills not matched to needs, not performing to your expectations, etc.
  6. Inform TERT if additional personnel are needed
  7. Inform TERT when situation is stabilized and Responding Agency personnel are no longer needed. 
  8. Provide feedback to the TERT Steering Committee regarding your TERT activation to be reviewed in a de-briefing. 


To assist PSAPs in utilizing TERT in a mutual aid response request, we have clarified the role of the agency responding to a request to activate TERT, hereinafter referred to as the “Responding Agency”.  This clarification is to ensure that TERT provides the affected PSAP with the necessary resources that the PSAPs needs to maintain an expected level of service despite being affected by a disaster. 

The Responding Agency Role is:

  1. If contacted by a TERT Advisor, determine if personnel are available to respond to the request.
  2. Assess whether personnel available to send would represent your agency best
  3. Review the recommended supply list on Page 12 to ensure that responding personnel are appropriately equipped. 
  4. Provide an estimated arrival time to the Requesting Agency. 
  5. Coordinate with Requesting Agency and TERT concerning personnel that are not performing to expectations.  Any required disciplinary actions are the responsibility of the individual’s employer, not the Requesting Agency or TERT. 
  6. Coordinate with TERT on additional requests for personnel and for de-activation of personnel.  The TERT Advisor will keep the Responding Agency advised of this information. 
  7. Provide feedback to the TERT Steering Committee regarding your TERT activation to be reviewed in a de-briefing.
  8. Apply for reimbursement of expenses incurred, if any, through appropriate DEM/FEMA channels for your jurisdiction. 


Once a PSAP Manager has declared an emergency, a TERT advisor will contact the PSAP in order to obtain additional information.  This information will assist TERT in the deployment of a team to the affected PSAP.  The PSAP Manager should be prepared to answer these questions.  If the PSAP is in area that is prone to natural disasters and considered in a high terrorist threat area, this questionnaire may be duplicated so that a blank one is available for use at all times.  This will ensure that the PSAP Manager has one available in the event that the original is used.

 1.         Name of Agency:              ________________________________

 2.         Contact Person:             ________________________________

 3.             Telephone #:               ________________________________

                                                (if different than primary PSAP #)

 4.                 Has TxDEM be contacted?:  _______________________________

 5.                 Nature of emergency:  ___________________________________

 6.                 Is the emergency isolated to a single PSAP or affecting other area PSAPS:


 7.                 # of Personnel Needed:  ____________________________

 8.                 Length of Time Needed: ____________________________

 9.                 Does TERT have PSAP information on file?: _____________.  If no, see PSAP Survey.  (A blank survey is available at the back of this guide).

 10.             Are there any roadblocks, flooded roadways, etc that would prevent a team from reaching the PSAP:   ____________________________

 11.             Are there any checkpoints that TERT personnel will have to go through?  If so, can the PSAP make arrangements to get responding personnel through the checkpoint?:  _________________________________



The below list is a recommendation of items that Responding Agency personnel should consider bringing with them for use during the duration of the TERT deployment.  While a TERT activation might not necessarily last for 24 hours or more, personnel should bring necessary provisions in anticipation of being deployed for 24-48 hours.  Additionally, the type of disaster and the seasonal/weather conditions may also dictate what items may be appropriate.  This list is only a recommendation; therefore, each responder should use their best judgment when determining what items to include.

  • A picture ID
  • All of the resources you normally need for a communications center (i.e. pens, paper, spare set of EMD cards if available, maps if applicable)
  • Several changes of clothes (seasonal)
  • Coat or jacket (seasonal)
  • Rain coat and boots
  • Sleeping bag and pillow
  • Personal hygiene and toiletry items
  • Non perishable food items, water and/or soda (if you wish)
  • Basic first aid supplies
  • Prescription medications for 24-48 hours, minimum
  • Spare prescription glasses
  • Mosquito spray, sunscreen, etc.
  • Items to fill in down-time, i.e CD player w/headphones, books, magazines, etc.



information forthcoming


TERT EVALUATION FORM (post incident)

Agency Name             ________________________________                            

Individual’s Name              ________________________________                      

Contact Number                       _______________________________                         

 Please answer all questions.

 1.                 Did the overall T.E.R.T. process create a timely response to your emergency? (Please circle one) 

Very Satisfied


Not Very Satisfied

Not At All Satisfied

If you were not satisfied, please provide details as to why.



2.                 What is the estimated date and time the responding telecommunicator(s) arrived at your PSAP?   _____________________

3.                 Was the responding telecommunicator prepared to assist with your emergency needs (i.e. right tools (maps, protocol cards, etc.), knowledge of equipment, experience)?  

Very Satisfied


Not Very Satisfied

Not At All Satisfied

If you were not satisfied, please provide details as to what happened.



4.                 What was your overall satisfaction level?  

Very Satisfied


Not Very Satisfied

Not At All Satisfied 

5.                  Would you use T.E.R.T. again? (Circle one)       Yes             No

 6.                 What suggestions for improvement to the T.E.R.T. process can you provide?



We encourage any additional comments you may have. 

We appreciate your feedback.