States with Standards

NRC – TelcommunicatorStandards and Training

Summary of Question #15

Within what time frame must a new telecommunicator recievesertification
(As of April, 1996)

 State Number of Years
 1. California  Not Required, optionally available
 2. Connecticut  1 year from date of hire
 3. Georgia  6 months from date of hire
 4. Idaho  Voluntary
 5. Kentucky  1 year
 6. Maryland  1 year fron date of hire
 7. Massachusetts  Prior to answering a 9-1-1 call with and E9-1-1 system
 8. Mississippi  1 year from date of service
 9. Montana  No requirements because attendance is at discretion of local agencies
 10. New Hampshire  3 months after hire
 11. New Jersey  Unknown
 12. New Mexico  Within 1 year
 13. North Dakota  1 year
 14. Oregon  1 year
 15. Pennsylvania  Not specified by law
 16. South Carolina  1 year
 17. Utah  Requirement established by each agency
 18. Virginia  12 months
 19. Texas  12 months
 20. West Virginia  1 year
 21. Wyoming  2 years from date of employment