ME Privacy


Sec. 3. 25MRSA§2927, sub-§5-A is enacted to read:

5-A Committeerecommendations; budget. The joint standing committeeof the Legislature having jurisdiction over utilities and energymatters shall make recommendations to the joint standingcommittee of the Legislature having jurisdiction overappropriations and financial affairs regarding all expendituresfrom the E9-1-1 fund established in subsection 2-A.

Section 4. 25 MRSA§ 2927,sub§-7-A is enacted to read:

7-A Repeal.Subsections 1-A and 2-A are repealed August 1, 1998.

Sec. 5. 25 MRSA§2928, sub§-2 isenacted to read;

2. Records:confidentiality; disclosure. Any record, recording or informationobtained by a public or private safety agency, including a publicsafety answering point, for the purpose of providing E-9-1-1services and that reveals the name, address or telephone numberof, or information that may identify, a person requestingemergency service or reporting an emergency by placing a 9-1-1call is confidential pursuant to Title 1. section 402, subsection3, paragraph A. The information may be disclosed only to publicor private safety agencies for processing emergency calls andproviding emergency services and to law enforcement officers forinvestigating criminal conduct. The information may not beutilized for any commercial purpose.

Sec. 6. Commission; report.On or before February 1, 1997, the Public Utilities Commissionshall report to the joint standing committee of the Legislaturehaving jurisdiction over utilities and energy matters onpotential alternative funding mechanisms for long-term funding ofthe E-9-1-1 system. The report must include recommendations forlegislation to implement an alternative funding mechanism.

Sec. 7. Committee; reportout legislation. The joint standing committee of the Legislaturehaving jurisdiction over utilities and energy matters may reportout legislation to the First Regular Session and the SecondRegular Session of the 118th Legislature regarding the E-9-1-1system, including, but not limited to, legislation concerningpenalties for violations of the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 25,section 2928.

Sec. 8. Allocation. Thefollowing funds are allocated from Other Special Revenue to carryout the purposes of this Act.