NENA 2000

NENA 2000

Positioning NENA for the Millenium byLeah Senitte, NENA 1998-99 President

The New Year provides us all an opportunity to reflect onthe year past, and to look forward to tomorrow?s challenges. We are proud to notethat NENA is reaching new heights daily. We are currently 6700 members strong, and ournational and state activities and programs have never been stronger. Your Executive Boardis committed to continuing this trend into the next century.

In our effort to position NENA for the Millennium andbeyond, the Board developed a transition plan for the Association in 1998. As a part ofthe plan, the Board considered the future needs of our membership and public safety. Allfacets of the Association were considered, from office facilities and location,technology, personnel, programs and activities to our executive leadership. This work hasculminated in a long-range plan that will position NENA for the next century.

Positioning NENA for the millenium will require some subtleand structural changes for NENA. In the fall of 1998, as a part of our Transition Plan, weconducted a national search for an Executive Director Designate to work with currentExecutive Director Bill Stanton during the transition period. After careful considerationof over 200 resumes, and conducting intensive interviews with three candidates, theExecutive Board hired W. Mark Adams as NENA?s Executive Director Designate.

Mark is a known and proven leader in our Association. Priorto working with NENA, Mark was an attorney in private practice, specializing in theAssociation and non-profit areas of law. Mark served as NENA?s independent CorporateCounsel for the past four years. We are confident he will provide us a unique combination,business and association expertise, as well as 9-1-1 industry expertise.

Mark will be working closely with Bill Stanton throughSeptember 30 of 1999 to position NENA for the future. As a part of our transition, NENAwill be moving to permanent facilities in Columbus, Ohio. In addition to buildingfacilities many changes are currently taking place to add value to your membership. Nowmore than ever, we are confident even more executives in public safety will recognize thebenefits of membership.

NENA is fortunate to be at the cutting edge in 9-1-1. Fromadvocating standards and technologies, to continuing our quest for universal coverage ofthe US and Canada, we are the industry leader.

Please join me in welcoming Mark to the NENA family!

 Dear NENA Members:

As your new Executive Director, I am eager to begin workingfor our membership. Immediately, I feel the honor and sense of duty that is part ofworking for public safety, a sense that is so present in NENA. If you attend only one NENAevent or program, you know that there is a special element of magic in NENA. Theleadership, the dedication, and enthusiasm our professionals have is rare. One event, andyou will know that NENA and 9-1-1, is a labor of love.

I am excited about where NENA is, and the opportunities weshare. Foremost, NENA has a terrific and proud history. In working with Bill Stanton andthe Executive Board over the past four years, I have developed an appreciation of thefamily atmosphere of the organization, and the can-do attitude of public safetyprofessionals.

In the coming months we will continue our effort to positionNENA for the millennium and beyond. We are currently in the negotiation and design phaseof a new office facility. Within the next few months, we will have functional officefacilities, equipped with the latest association technology. We will have the internalinfrastructure and communications power to better serve 9-1-1 and our membership.

Volunteer experts have made countless contributions to ourcause. We are busy developing an office and staff infrastructure that compliments ourvolunteers. From more resources on the World Wide Web, to more forums and meetings ontopical issues, we will be providing you even more information and resources from ourtechnical experts.

We plan to be more focused on the needs of the”profession” as well. We are currently increasing our focus on our publicationsand applications and computer technology to be more responsive to the professional needsof our members. Both Connections and the NENA News are being re-engineered to provide avariety of topics that will serve as a working resource for 9-1-1 professionals.

It is true, we are in a time of transition, but we arefirmly building on the foundation of our prior successes. From the feeling of family tothe dedication to service and attention to detail that you have always enjoyed, we arecommitted to improving on our past accomplishments.

When you think of NENA, please remember that this is yourNENA! We are here to serve you and 9-1-1. Please feel free to call me or Email me yoursuggestions <[email protected]>. I look forward to hearing from you. Whenyou get involved with NENA, we all win!

Thank you.

W. Mark Adams,

Executive Director Designate

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