Nov 2001 Minutes

Meeting Minutes – Michigan NENA     November 7, 2001     Southfield,  MI

Meeting was called to order by President Michael Sexton at 10:05 AM; at the Headquarters of Community EMS in Southfield, there were 21present.

Minutes of  previous meeting were read and approved on a motion by Goldberger, supported by Bianconi.  MCU.

Andy Goldberger provided a treasurer’s report, dated October 31, 2001.  Motion by , and accepted to recieve and file the finalcial report.  MCU.

                General Checking Account:                               $ 6,465.70

                Conference Checking Account:                           7,203.03

                Certificates of Deposit:                                       10,367.80

                Savings Demand Account:                                10,078.03                              

                TOTAL BALANCES ON HAND                     $34,114.56



Paul Rogers indicated he would place an agenda item on the next ETSC meeting to request Phase I implementation experience by each PSAP or county.  Paul is looking for both positive and negative issues.  He also noted the legislative sub-committee will meet on July 17th in Lansing at the MSP Academy to begin writing the annual report to the legislature on 9-1-1

911 for Heros.  National is working on a package for the heros program and will be releasing this soon.  Michigan will hold off pending release of this program.  This would be awarded at the Michigan conference in May and national program recognized in June at National Conference and major press event on September 11th in Washington DC.


FCC Report on Wireless Waivers
Department of Treasury Wireless Implementation Grant
Congressman Upton’s Hearings

Report Card to the Nation
Upcoming Elections
NENA Alabama Chapter Challenge request


National Public Safety Panel
Wireless MSAG Development



Marsha Bianconi is serving as the Nominations Committee this year, since both past presidents are no longer active in Michigan NENA.  If you are interested in “stepping” up and helping out you chapter as an executive officer; let her know and forward a brief resume of your qualifications and which office you are seeking.

President:              Mr. Mike Sexton

                              Retired SBC/Ameritech employee

Vice President:     Ms. Suzan Hensel

                              Midland County Dispatch 

Secretary:             Mr. Bob Currier

                             Intrado employee

Treasurer:            (Alphabetical order)

                             Mr. Jim Fyvie

                             Clinton County Dispatch



                            Mr. Andy Goldberger

                            St. Joseph County Dispatch               


Bob Currier gave a final conference report indicating thre were 302 total attendees, all booth spaces were sold and could have sold 6 – 8 more.  The 2002 Conference Committee will be chaired by Suzan Hensel with Program being handled by Mike Sexton, Cathy McCormick and Marsha Bianconi; Finance will be handled by Andy Goldberger and Vendor/Site/Sponsorships by Bob Currier. 

The contract has been signed with the Amway Grand Plaza for May 19 – 23, 2002.  The only cost increase noted was the guest room rate increase of $1.00 per night.  We have been guaranteed the main balroom for vendor area.  This will allow all activities to take place in the west/tower area of the hotel.  The opening luncheon and opening reception will be held in the Pantlind side of the hotel.


Paul Rogers indicated he would place an agenda item on the next ETSC meeting to request Phase I implementation experience by each PSAP or county.  Paul is looking for both positive and negative issues.  He also noted the legislative sub-committee will meet on July 17th in Lansing at the MSP Academy to begin writing the annual report to the legislature on 9-1-1.


Those who attended the National Conference in Orlando reported on their experiences and the conference.  There were over 2000 in attendance; President Norm Forshee singled out the Michigan Chapter for their efforts in wireless and the fact ALL 83 counties have requested Phase I services.  Key topics on the session agenda dealt with many wireless issues, XML data and Voice over IP.  Col. Robinson, Director of the MSP served on a Public Safety panel presentation and represented Michigan and their PSAP’s well.

Marsha Bianconi gave an overview on the CLEC session she attended and the impact CLEC’s have in her area; she has been asked to serve on a national committee dealing with CLEC issues.

The 2002 Conference will be held in Indianapolis, with 2003 in Denver and 2004 in Tampa.


President Sexton indicated to members present of the implementation of the by-law change voted on at the last meeting.


The Ontario Chapter has been officially recognized and now meeting.  Their Chapter President has contacted Mike Sexton to explore the potential of meeting on a joint basis once or twice a year; or for their members near the border to attend Michigan meetings held in the metropolitan area.  On a motion by Bianconi and supported by Coates; it was agreed to explore these joint meetings on a limited basis.  MCU

The National program “9-1-1 for Kids” and the Heros program associated with was explained to the members.  The board of directors wants to initiate this program in Michigan with the actual award(s) being made during the annual conference in May.  National Hero’s week is held the second week in May each year.  This will coincide with out annual dates fairly well.  It was noted that Allegan County (Miller-Brown) conducts this type of program already.  Additionally, Hensel noted the American Red Cross does a “recognize a hero” type program that we may be able to tap into.

National has made available to Chapter Presidents the video tapes of each of the Wireless Critical Issues Forums and the Automatic Crash Notification video program as well.  These are available to members by contacting Mike Sexton.

The question of what NENA is doing to discourage “scams” against seniors by the wireless carriers and one button phones for emergency use.  To the Board’s knowledge, there has not been any action by NENA on a national level to address these issues.  President Sexton will forward the Chapter’s concerns to National.

Andy Goldberger asked for the floor to recognize Dave Green and Mike Sexton for their individual contributions to 9-1-1 in Michigan.  Both individuals will be retiring before our next meeting.  Dave and Mike have put both personal and company issues aside during their careers to the betterment of 9-1-1 in Michigan and the needs of the citizens who use the systems.  Their knowledge and expertise will be sadly missed.

The meeting was concluded and adjourned at 11:10 AM.  The next meeting will be held in Southfield on November 7, 2001 at 10:00 AM.  This meeting will be an all day workshop.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert C. Currier, ENP

Michigan Chapter Secretary