Jan 2000 Minutes

January 19, 2000

The regular meeting of the Michigan Chapter of the National Emergency NumberAssociation was called to order by it?s Treasurer, Andy Goldberger; in thePresident’s absence, at 1:35 PM, at the Michigan State Police Training Academyin Lansing.  There were 19 in attendance. President Todd had a last minuteconflict arise and was not able to be in attendance today.

Minutes of previous meeting were read.  Motion by McClure, supported byHensel to approve the minutes.Motion Carried.

Treasurer’s Report:
Andy Goldberger presented the treasurers report with the followingbalances.  Andy also reported that St. Joseph County’s CPA will be doing anaudit of the books, as requested by the Board.

General Checking Account $  2,771.64
Certificate of Deposit (1)

$  2,812.68

Certificate of Deposit (2) $10,000.00
Conference Checking Acct $  7,699.62
TOTAL BALANCE $23,382.17

Motion by McClure, supported by Hensel to receive and file the treasurer’s report.Motion Carried.

FCC Phase I Implementation / Ameritech Region
Bob Currier gave a brief report on wireless implementation in the 5 stateAmeritech ILEC region.  Indiana is handling live calls in the majorpopulation areas of the state.  Illinois and Michigan now have legislationand are working through the implementation process.  Ohio and Wisconsin donot have legislation, however Ohio does have a draft bill in process.

ETSC Report
Since the ESTC meeting had just concluded and most all were in attendance;Nate McClure did not go into detail with his report.

Annual Conference
The upcoming annual conference was discussed.  It will be held in GrandRapids from May 24 – 26 at the Amway Grand Plaza.  Pre-conference workshopswill be held on Tuesday, May 23.  Profile Evaluations will present”Building Excellence in the New Millennium” and APCO Institute willpresent their Customer Service and Team Building workshops as well.  Theopening keynote speaker will be John Melcher of Greater Harris County TX.

Treasurer Goldberger requested a formal motion from the membership to allowprocessing of the conference finances through NENA’s accounts.  Inparticular, to pay the initial printing and mailing costs.  Motion byHensel, supported by Altman.  MCU.

National NENA Conference
On a motion by McClure, supported by Altman; the Michigan Chapter will paythe expenses of one board member to attend the national annual conference inSalt Lake City in June of 2000.  MCU

Phase I Wireless 9-1-1
At his expense, President Todd had copies of SCC Communications publication“PATH TO SUCCESS, A Guide to Phase I Wireless 9-1-1 Implementation” printedand available for distribution to the membership.  

In keeping with the previous meeting schedule, NENA meetings will be on the same dateas the ETSC. Next meeting will be held on March 15, 2000, at a location and time to beannounced.

There being no further business, the Treasurer adjourned the meeting at 1:57PM; on a motion by Hensel, supported by Bianconi.  MCU.

Respectfully submitted,

Chapter Secretary