Membership Drive

January 29, 2003

Welcome to the New Year. Let’s make 2003 the best for Michigan NENA. To dothat, I believe we need to start at the core of this exceptionalorganization…it’s members. The members are what drive this industry tocontinue evolving into all it can be.

So let’s bring Michigan to the top of membership contribution. We are goingto have a statewide contest to see how many new members we can sign-up. Allexisting MI NENA members are invited to participate. We ask that you recruit asmany people as possible, they would then need to sign up with National NENA andyou would submit your name and theirs to Keith DeYoung ([email protected])or Brianna Machuta ([email protected]). The new member candidates can get anapplication for membership off the NENA website at They mustsubmit their application along with the payment to National. For example if youget three people to sign up, you get your name entered three times into thecontest. The winner receives a free registration for National NENA 2003 inDenver, Colorado, June 15th through the 19th.

The deadline for this contest is May 1st, with the winner being announced atthe State of Michigan NENA conference in Grand Rapids. We look forwarding towelcoming new members and seeing all of you that are already making acontribution to MI NENA. Any questions please contact myself at 734-285-1963 orBrianna Machuta at 800-274-8255. Also a reminder that our first NENA meeting for2003 is February 19th at Clinton County. See you then and best of luck.



Mike Sexton, President
Michigan NENA