
July 12, 2001

President Michael A. Midiri called the General Membership Meeting of INENA to order at 10:35 A.M. at the State Fire Marshall’s Office in Springfield, Illinois.

Michael Midiri (President), David Tuttle (Vice President), Vickie Leibach (Secretary), Douglas Edmonds (Region 1, Vice President), Jerry Bleck (Region 2, Vice President), Sandy Beitel (Region 3, Vice President), Marci Schroll (Region 5, Vice President), and Kathy Monken (Region 6, Vice President).

Scott Sylvester (Treasurer), Richard Gragert (Region 4, Vice President), Ken Smith (Region 7, Vice President), and Jeff Rodrigues (Region 8, Vice President).

APPROVAL OF INENA MINUTES: The motion was made by Kathy Monken and seconded by Sandy Beitel to approve the INENA Annual Membership minutes dated May 3, 2001. The motion passed unanimously.

TREASURER’S REPORT (Scott Sylvester): The membership was advised of the following INENA account balances: General fund $45,456.73; Education fund $2,279.22; Certificate of Deposits $24,328.49. A motion was made by Jim Neuses and seconded by Bobette Benson to approve the treasurer’s report. The motion passed unanimously.

VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT (David Tuttle): No Report

SECRETARY’S REPORT (Vickie Leibach): No report.

Region 1 (Doug Edmonds) The regional effort on Phase 1 wireless implementation not going very well.
Region 2 (Jerry Bleck) Region 2 experiencing same problems as Region 1. Work on wireless continues with seven wireless carriers. Two of the NCAS carriers very close to implementation.
Region 3 (Sandy Beitel) No Report
Region 4 (Richard Gragert) Absent
Region 5 (Marci Schroll) No Report
Region 6 (Kathy Monken) No Report
Region 7 (Ken Smith) Absent
Region 8 (Jeff Rodrigues) Absent

OFFICER’S NOMINATIONS: Norm Forshee opened the floor for nominations to the INENA Officers positions for the year 2001-2002.

Nomination of Marci Schroll for Region 5 Vice President was made by Rick Gasparin and seconded by Rich Tuma.

Nomination of Sandy Beitel for Region 3 Vice President was made by Mike Midiri and seconded by Rich Tuma.

Nomination of Kathy Monken for Region 6 Vice President was made by Norm Forshee and seconded by Robert Currier.

Nomination of Ken Smith for Region 7 Vice President was made by Mike Midiri and seconded by Jim Neuses.

Nomination of Richard Gragert for Region 4 Vice President was made by David Tuttle and seconded by Bill Gamblin.

Nomination of Doug Edmonds for Region 1 Vice President was made by Gregg Riddle and seconded by Mike Midiri.

Nomination of Jerry Bleck for Region 2 Vice President was made by Gregg Riddle and seconded by Harland Hector.

Nomination of Jeff Rodrigues for Region 8 Vice President was made by Kathy Monken and seconded by Harland Hector.

Nomination of Scott Sylvester for Treasurer was made by Jim Neuses and seconded by Rich Tuma.

A motion to close the nominations was made by Rich Tuma and seconded by Jim Gray. The motion passed unanimously.

CONFERENCE COMMITTEE (Kathy Monken): Kathy Monken provided a status on the INENA-APCO-ICC Conference. Brochures should be mailed out the week of July 16th. Jerry Bleck reported 39% of the booths are filled. Gregg Riddle stated the sessions are set. On Sunday an educational course called “Building for Excellence in the New Millennium” will be offered. The membership was advised to check the INENA web site for conference updates.

NATIONAL NENA (Norm Forshee): National NENA is trying to utilize Regional Vice Presidents at the State Conferences. Past-President Forshee has been placed on a committee to review the national election procedures. Future National NENA Conference sites: Indianapolis-2002, Denver-2003, and Tampa-2004.


NEW BUSINESS: Rick Gasparin, from the Illinois Commerce Commission, reported Administrative Code 727 was approved.
Schools, not-for-profit, and local government agencies are required to comply with the PS/ALI legislation. 9-1-1 Systems will be
officially served with the order in the near future. The ICC is hoping for statewide wireless 9-1-1 implementation by September
11, 2001. Discussion was held regarding complaints filed with the FCC by 9-1-1 systems over non-responsiveness of the
wireless carriers who are reluctant to work on implementation. Marcie Schroll reported 33 9-1-1 systems had filed letters of
intent, but have not filed a wireless plan. Those 9-1-1 systems will received a letter with a deadline of July 27th to file their plans.

Steve Wieland, from Central Management Services, reported 13 9-1-1 systems have filed wireless plans with CMS, which still
require modification. The deadline for wireless plans with CMS will be September 11, 2001. If the plans are not completed prior
to this date, the surcharge will be remitted to the Illinois State Police. Steve Wieland provided a list of unclaimed zip codes to the
membership for review. This list along with grant distribution information can be accessed via Central Management Services
web site (www.state.il.us/cms/wetsa). Mr. Wieland is also in charge of MSAG verification for state buildings in Illinois, assistance
with this matter will be appreciated.

Jim Neuses thanked the participants in the Illinois Wireless presentation at the National Conference in Orlando.

Jerry Bleck asked for award nominations from the membership. Forms will be distributed in the next set of minutes and possibly on the web site.

PROGRAM TOPIC: “Poor People’s 9-1-1, Uninitialized Wireless Phones” by Rick Jones.

The motion to adjourn was made by Kathy Monken and seconded by Jim Neuses. The motion passed unanimously. Meeting was adjourned.