


JULY 10, 1997

The General Membership meeting of INENA was called to order by President Norman H.Forshee at 10:33 a.m. at the Bloomington Police Department in Bloomington, Illinois.

OFFICER’S PRESENT: Norman Forshee (INENA President), David Whipple (VicePresident, Charlene Davis (Secretary), Michael Midiri (Treasurer), Douglas Edmonds (VicePresident, Region 1), Jerry Bleck (Vice President, Region 2), Richard Jones (VicePresident Region 3), David Tuttle (Vice President, Region 4), Shirley Schable (VicePresident, Region 5), Victoria Cerinich (Vice President, Region 8)

OFFICER’S ABSENT: Becky Jungmann (Vice President, Region 6), Scott Sylvester(Vice President, Region 7)

APPROVAL OF GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MINUTES: Correction to the May 1, 1997 minutes;Mike Moos represents the Law Enforcement Training Board not the Planning Commission. Themotion to approve the minutes as corrected was made by Greg Riddle and seconded by MikeMoos. The motion passed unanimously.

TREASURER’S REPORT (Mike Midiri): Mike Midiri informed the membership thecurrent INENA balance is $11,111.98 and the INENA Education Fund balance is $5,323.23. Themotion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was made by Harland Hector Sr. and seconded byVictoria Cerinich. The motion passed unanimously.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT (Norm Forshee): President Forshee extended thanks toWinnebago and Boone County for their support of the wireless issue.

President Forshee explained to the membership, based on the Attorney John Kellys’interpretation of the Emergency Telephone Systems Act some ETSB’s have chosen to informmany of the wireless telecommunications representatives that contracts must be presentedto their ETSB’s by “x” date or access to the respective 9-1-1 system will bedenied.

The contracts must address the following 3 (three) major issues identified by AttorneyKelly in his letter:

Liability coverage – Currently, wireless calls are not covered in the EmergencyTelephone Systems Act, therefore (based on attorney interpretation) an ETSB couldsuccessfully be sued because the level of service desired was not (could not be provided)

Use of Unauthorized funds- Currently, ETSB’s may be in violation of the EmergencyTelephone Systems Act by using land line surcharge funds to provide wireless 9-1-1 service

PRESIDENT’S REPORT (Norm Forshee Cont’d):

President Forshee and several INENA Executive Board members meet with Attorney Wm. E.Covington (Council for Land Use Environmental Policy for AT&T Wireless Services) atthe Annual NENA Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. At that conference Attorney Covingtoncommitted to provide INENA with a letter of intent to provide wireless 9-1-1 service inthe proper manner. Mr. Covington went on to state AT&T would have no problem”paying their fair share” (which would be negotiated). They would also bewilling to work with INENA on the liability issue. He informed the board the liabilityissues documented in the proposed legislation were acceptable to him.

President Forshee has received 2 (two) telephone calls from Attorney Covington since hereturned from Baltimore in an effort to clarify and work with the INENA and the ETSB’s.

President Forshee urged the membership to seek support from their ETSB’s to becomeinvolved in this issue. He stressed, if support can be obtained, the “short termgoal” will be the ETSB’s will obtain some type of protection from the problemsdocumented by Attorney John Kelly, and the “long term goal” will be legislation,which will eliminate the need for individual contracts.

President Forshee reminded the membership APCO scholarship applications must bereceived by July 15, 1997. If anyone has any questions please contact President Forshee orGreg Riddle.

President Forshee received a notice from the Ohio INENA Chapter stating their chapteris hosting a conference for Ohio and neighboring states from October 19th – October 21st1997. Room cost is $60.00 per night.

President Forshee has blank order forms from the National Conference for items thatsold out. Anyone who needs an order form should contact him.

President Forshee was contacted by the Bureau of Blind Services, Illinois Dept. ofRehabilitation Services regarding a request of his ESTB to assist in the development andimplement of software and hardware for blind access and the ability to make what is typedand displayed on a computer printable to a Braille Pad “real time”. This requestwas initiated due to a police officer who is now blind and can no longer be a policeofficer. The scope of this request is far reaching and will possibly initiate review bythe Disabilities Act.

NORTH CENTRAL REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT (Ron Bonneau): Ron encouraged themembership to pursue becoming an Emergency Professional. Testing dates will be posted byNENA

Ron advised the membership Texas is now considered to be the largest chapter. Theyexceed Illinois by 14 members.

President Forshee reminded all present that a NENA Associate membership is only $25.00.


Ron encouraged anyone interested in serving on a National Committee should contact him.Ron stressed the expertise in our membership is outstanding and should be known andrecognized by other members and states.

VICE PRESIDENT (Dave Whipple): No Report

SECRETARY’S REPORT(Charlene Davis): No Report


Region 1 Douglas Edmonds No Report

Region 2 Jerry Bleck No Report

Region 3 Richard Jones Rick is scheduling a wireless meeting

Region 4 David Tuttle No Report

Region 5 Shirley Schable No Report

Region 6 Becky Jungmann No Report

Region 7 Victoria Cerinich See Below

Victoria advised the membership a conference is being hosted by the Chicago IndustrialOrganiization on 09/09/97 on Local Number Portability. The conference fee is $25.00 andlunch will be included.

On 10/14/97 the same organization will be hosting a conference on Fraud and Security.

Victoria informed the membership of a fraud situation. Calls are being received bypeople saying they are Ameritech technicians. They instruct the telecommunicator todepress a series of numbers or buttons that result in this persons being able to accesslong distance lines and place calls. DO NOT follow their instructions. Testing is not donein this manner.

The City of Chicago still has not begun collectin wireless surcharge funds, based ontheir city ordinance.

LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE (David Whipple): David informed the membership there hasbeen no movement on the wireless legislation.

Ameritech President, Doug Whitley, has contacted President Forshee and has stated ithis desire to have wireless legislation on the docket at the next session. PresidentWhitley stated he will work with the organization to move this issue forward.

CONFERENCE COMMITTEE (Kathy Monken): Kathy advised the membership they shouldhav have received their registration brochures. If anyone has not received their brochureplease contact Kathy Monken as quickly as possible.

The Annual INENA/APCO/ICC conference has been scheduled for October 26-October 29, 1997at the Decatur Holiday Inn, Decatur, Illinois.

This years conference theme will be “Halloween”.

RECORDS (Doug Edmonds): No Report

AWARDS (Jerry Bleck): Jerry Informed the membership to seriously consider andsubmit eligible candidates for this years Excellence, Thank You and Appreciation awards.

The awards application has been enclosed in this months minutes for yourreview and submission.

Award nominations should be mailed or faxed to Jerry Bleck no later than September15, 1997. After that date the subcommittee will select the winners.

NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE (Richard Tuma): President Forshee submitted for CommitteeChairman Richard Tuma the 1998 slate of INENA officers . The slate is as follows:

President David Whipple

Vice President Rick Jones

Secretary Charlene Davis

Treasurer Michael Midiri

Region 1 Vice President Douglas Edmonds

Region 2 Vice President Jerry Bleck

Region 3 Vice President Sandy Bietel

Region 4 Vice President David Tuttle

Region 5 Vice President Shirley Schable

Region 6 Vice President Norman Forshee

Region 7 Vice President Scott Sylvester

Region 8 Vice President Victoria Cerinich

President Forshee advised the membership nominations from the floor will be called forat the September 4th, 1997 meeting.

President Forshee encouraged the membership to consider accepting and/or running for anINENA office.

TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE (Rick Jones): President Forshee thanked Roger Hixson forgetting Rick Jones on the Local Number Portability panel at the National Conference inBaltimore. Rick addressed this subject from the user’s perspective.

Rick informed the membership at the National level the subcommittee has approved theNational Standards for how Local Number Portability will be handled.

The NENA Executive Board approved the National Standards at their meeting during theconference. Thirty people on the National Committee made these decisions in a 3 (three)month time frame.

Illinois SCC (database provided for everyone) will be ready for testing by July 24th.The company ID (identification of the carrier chosen by the customer) will be in place bySept. 1st. This company ID code will be 3-5 digit number.


A Local Number Portability Workshop will be co-sponsored by the INENA and theAmeritech Illinois User’s Group on Thursday, September 18, 1997 at the Oakbrook Marriottfrom 10:00a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

This workshop will be host to all 6 (six) carriers in the Chicago/Metro area. They havecommitted to be present to discuss and provide valuable information relating on Phase I ofthe Local Number Portability conversion scheduled for September 29, 1997 (tentative date).

There is a wireless 9-1-1 technology debate (at the National level) regarding how 9-1-1systems are going to get the caller’s telephone number. Rick encouraged all 9-1-1 user’sto analyze this issue,as information becomes available.

ILLINOIS COMMERCE COMMISSION (Deb Prather): Deb stated staff is currentlyworking on 12 (twelve) plans.

The Commission staff has completed and mailed, to each system provider the yearlyStatus Report.

The F.C.C. Department of Justice is still conducting system audits for TTD/TTY’s. Sevensystems in the southern part of the state will be scheduled. St. Clair, Madison andClinton have already been contacted and scheduled.

The Commission Staff has received a petition from the ITA regarding PTC (Primary TollCarrier) service. The ITA (Illinois Telecommunications Association) has submitted costimpact reports to their customers by October of this year. The commission staff will hosta workshop(s) prior to October to discuss and develop an appropriate recommendation onthis issue.

Ron Bloom (Ameritech Locator Services Product Manager) is currently collecting allcircuit information and will review the billing to determine this cost.

Deb also informed the membership there will be a re-opening of Part 725 on selectissues. Workshops will be scheduled. INENA, ITA and the I.C.C. have documented issues forreview and amendment.

Deb encouraged as much workshop participation as possible.

LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSOCIATION (Mike Moos): Mike informed the membership 6 (six)EMD request were made and 5 (five) were granted.

This grant provides is for Law Enforcement Training, EMD being just 1 (one) of thecourses offered.

This grant was for $50,000 and $27,000 was used for EMD training for the fiscal yearJuly 1, 1996 thru June 30, 1997. Their will be grant money available during the nextfiscal year, July 1, 1997 thru June 30, 1998. Mike suggested anyone interested in applyingfor funds next fiscal year should contact their LMTU (Local Mobile Training Unit) or MikeMoos at (217) 782-4540 or on the INTERNET at;


ILLINOIS TELELCOMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION (Ron Bloom): Ron informed themembership the subcommittee is still working on the PTC (Primary Toll Carrier) projectdata request as well as continuing work on Local Number Portability and Wireless 9-1-1.

The ITA has 3 (three) new members (AT&T, CELL ONE and SPMS).

The next ITA meeting is scheduled for July 23, 1997 at 10:00a.m. at the Club Sangamoein Springfield, Illinois.

Rick Jones made a motion to send a letter of thanks to Carolyn Maddox (Alley) of Sprintfor all of her work on the Local Number Portability issue. Carolyn just got married andhas taken a position with Sprint in Kingston, TN. The motion was seconded by Ron Bonneau.The motion passed unanimously. Rick Jones will prepare and send the letter.


There was discussion regarding the fact there will be power failures this summer- thehighest there have ever been. These steps are being taken by the power companies to avoid”major” power outages.

There may be request made to ETSB’s to turn on their generators. Deb Prather suggestedall 9-1-1 centers should get in touch with their power company to establish a “lineof communication”.

There was open discussion regarding the fact, the Emergency Telecommunications Actprohibits opting out of customers/exchanges from 9-1-1 systems on the basis of cost. DebPrather is also concerned about some of these customers may be transferred as many as 3(three) times, which is in direct violation of Part 725 ruling.

President Forshee is going to establish a subcommittee (wireless will not be included)to review and prepare a recommendation for Part 725 clarification. President Forsheeappointed the following members to the subcommittee:

Norm Forshee Sandy Bietel Tammy Peterson

Dave Thomas Bob Leefers Charlene Davis

Gene Valentine and/or Roger Hixson

Steve Kite (McHenry County) expressed concern Call Set-Up Time is still an outstandingissue for his county. Steve asked if this is no longer an issue in othermunicipalites/counties.

President Forshee explained to the membership it is his hope subcommittees can assistand/or resolve outstanding issues, but understand it is not always possible. If it is thememberships perception this issue has not been resolved, please let him know anddiscussion will take place on how and/or what entity should pursue it.

Gene Valentine, Ameritech E9-1-1Operations Manger IL/WI advised the membership severalvendors have been contacted (Northern Telcom, Siemens and Lucent). SS7 technology is stilla possibility but, unitl it has been thoroughly reviewed, no decision will be made.

President Forshee read a letter addressing the letter from Ameritech attorney Ed Buttsto INENA Attorney John Kelly regarding the 1% uncollectible surcharge issue. Based on thisletter Attorney Kelly recommends the meeting initially requested be scheduled. PresidentForshee also pointed out that GTE also collects a 1% uncollectible surcharge amount.Therefore, a letter will be prepared and forwarded to GTE personnel.

PROGRAM: Overview of Part 725 for PSAP Managers by I.C.C. 9-1-1 Staff Manger

The motion to adjourn was made by Dave Whipple and seconded by Mike Moos. The motionpassed unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.


The next General INENA Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 4, 1997 at theBloomington Public Library , 205 East Olive Street, Bloomington, IL. at 10:30 a.m.

INENA Minutes are available on the INTERNET at the following address:


There is 1 (0ne) remaining INENA General Meeting scheduled for 1997 the date andlocation are as follows: