

May 2, 2002

President Michael A. Midiri called the General Membership Meeting of INENA to order at 10:30 A.M. at the Holiday Inn-Normal, Normal, Illinois.

Michael Midiri (President), David Tuttle (Vice President), Bobette Benson (Secretary), John Kelly (Treasurer), Douglas Edmonds (Region 1, Vice President), Jerry Bleck (Region 2, Vice President), Sandy Beitel (Region 3, Vice President), Vickie Leibach (Region 4, Vice President), Marci Schroll (Region 5, Vice President), Kathy Monken (Region 6, Vice President, and Ken Smith (Region 7, Vice President).

Jeff Rodrigues (Region 8, Vice President).

APPROVAL OF INENA MINUTES: The motion was made by David Tuttle and seconded by Doug Edmonds to approve the INENA minutes for March, 2002. The motion passed unanimously.

TREASURER’S REPORT (John Kelly): There is $2,279.22 in the education account, $54,155.58 in the general account, $13,352.45 and $11,185.16 in CD’s. The motion was made by Doug Miller and seconded by Sandy Beitel to accept the treasurer’s report. The motion passed unanimously.

NENA REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT (Ron Bonneau): Starting in June, Canada will be a separate Region having its own Regional Vice President. Discussion was held on the King County effect on 911 charges and the potential tariff’s which the telephone companies will file. Rick Gasparin: No tariff has been filed in IL yet. Deb Prather: Verizon will be filing for a tariff soon but the company has not decided on the amount yet. Ron reminded the membership of the new liaison with the American Heart Association in Operation HeartBeat. NENA is meeting with Past Presidents for input on an Executive Director. The National Conference has a Mentoring Program. Please see your conference brochure. Be sure to support IL NENA in Indianapolis and donate an hour to the INENA booth.

VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT (David Tuttle): No Report

SECRETARY’S REPORT (Bobette Benson): No Report

Region 1 (Doug Edmonds) No Report

Region 2 (Jerry Bleck) No Report

Region 3 (Sandy Beitel) Having a Region meeting next Thursday and a golf outing the end of May.

Region 4 (Vickie Leibach) No Report

Region 5 (Marci Schroll) Held a Region conference call in Mid April, which was well attended.

Region 6 (Kathy Monken) Held a Region meeting on April 18 and have another meeting scheduled for July 18, 2002.

Region 7 (Ken Smith) Reported on wireless Phase I in the Region. Introduced Pat Lustig as the new 911 Coordinator for Jackson County. Welcome.

Region 8 (Jeff Rodrigues) Absent

TECHNICAL COMMITTEE (Richard Jones): New uninitialized or 911 only phones will be required to provide a number (123-456-7890) which will identify them as a phone which cannot be called back. This does not address the old (closet) phones.

LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE (Norm Forshee): Discussed the re-opening of the wireless legislation, at the right time. Some carriers are interested in participating. The committee is also looking for INENA members to participate.

CONFERENCE COMMITTEE (Kathy Monken): Requests anyone with program ideas or suggestions to contact Gregg Riddle.

NOMINATION COMMITTEE (Norm Forshee): Norm Forshee opened the floor for nominations to the INENA Officers positions for the year 2002-2003.

Nomination of Mike Midiri for President was made by Sandy Beitel and seconded by Rich Tuma.

Nomination of David Tuttle for Vice President was made by Vickie Leibach and seconded by Connie Armstrong.

Nomination of John Kelly for Treasurer was made by Harlan Hector and seconded by David Tuttle.

Nomination of Bobette Benson for Secretary was made by Sandy Beitel and seconded by Marci Schroll.

Nomination of Doug Edmonds for Region 1 VP by Linda Luehring and seconded.

Nomination of Jerry Bleck for Region 2 VP by Rick Tuma and David Tuttle.

Nomination of Sandy Beitel for Region 3 VP by Jon Cremeens and seconded by Billie Henry.

Nomination of Vickie Leibach for Region 4 VP by David Tuttle and Connie Armstrong.

Nomination of Marci Schroll for Region 5 VP by Rick Gasparin and seconded by Rich Tuma.

Nomination of Kathy Monken for Region6 VP by Vicki Leibach and seconded by Norm Forshee.

Nomination of Ken Smith for Region 7 VP by Chris Birlka, seconded by Jan Andrews 

Nomination of Patrick Lustig for Region 7 VP by Chuck Shiplett and seconded by Rich Tuma.

Nomination of Jeff Rodrigues for Region 8 by Rich Tuma and seconded by Jerry Bleck.

The motion to close the nominations was made by Rich Tuma and seconded by Mike Midiri. The motion passed unanimously.

ILLINOIS COMMERCE COMMISSION (Rick Gasparin): Reported on the re-opening of Part 725. Most of the 22 counties affected by FCC-911 are going to take the calls.

ILLINOIS TELEPHONE ASSOCIATION (Carol Wagner): ITA representatives will use the term Pre-Basic 911 when referring to FCC-911. Recently a brief survey on Call Boxes was sent to 911 systems. So far only 13 responses have been received. Pleasecomplete and return this survey.

CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE (Steve Wieland): There is a hold up on May disbursements due to problems with the files received. Believe all systems will be affected. As soon as the files are corrected the monies will be forwarded. Some back money has been received from carriers.

Harlan Hector: Harlan spoke to members regarding his concerns over 911 surcharges and if correct payments are being made to 911 systems by CLECS. Harlan asked the question, ‘Do you know if you are getting your money?’ Recommend systems request Rick Gasparin become involved when you need help.

NEW BUSINESS: Ron Bloom has agreed to coordinate the INENA booth at the 2002 NENA Conference. If you are able to work at the booth during the conference, please sign up on the sheets, which are being passed around.


PROGRAM TOPIC: EMD Requirements presented by Joe Albanese, Region 2 Coordinator, IDPH (309) 693-5382 and Beverly Mercer, IDPH (217) 785-2080. Illinois Department of Public Health web site: www.idph.state.il.us

The motion to adjourn was made by Rich Tuma and seconded by Vickie Leibach. The motion passed unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 12:25 P.M.