



MARCH 5, 1998


The General Membership meeting of INENA was called to order by PresidentDavid C. Whipple at 10:35 a.m. at the Bloomington Public Library in Bloomington, Illinois.


David C. Whipple (President), Richard Jones (Vice President), CharleneD. Davis (Secretary), Michael A. Midiri Jr. (Treasurer), Douglas Edmonds (Region 1, VicePresident), Jerry Bleck (Region 2, Vice President), Sandy Beitel (Region 3, VicePresident), David Tuttle (Region 4, Vice President). Shirley Schable (Region 5, VicePresident), Scott Sylvester (Region 7, Vice President), Jeff Rodrigues (Region 8, VicePresident)


Norman H. Forshee (Region 6, Vice President)


A motion was made by Harland Hector and seconded by Jerry Bleck toapprove the minutes of the January 8, 1998 General Membership meeting. The motion passedunanimously.


The ceremony will be delayed until the May 7th meeting. Thefollowing officer?s will be installed; Treasurer – Mike Midiri Jr., Region 2 VicePresident – Jerry Bleck and Region 5 Vice President – Shirley Schable

SECRETARY?S REPORT ( Charlene D. Davis);

Charlene advised the membership the general mailing list has now beencondensed to one list. The list is in a Microsoft EXCEL spreadsheet format. Charlene nowhas the database on her laptop and can verify or make any necessary corrections at any ofthe meetings. Charlene urged all members to feel free to confirm their mailing addressduring any of the INENA meetings or via a phone call, e-mail etc.


Mike informed the membership of the following account balances; INENAGeneral Fund – $5,877.27 and INENA Educational Fund $ 2,230.73. A motion was made byRichard Tuma and seconded by Harland Hector to approve the Treasurer?s report assubmitted. The motion passed unanimously.


Region 1 (Doug Edmonds) No Report

Region 2 (Jerry Bleck) Members in Region 2 have had contact withwireless vendors to discuss separate E9-1-1 wireless contracts. Jerry will keep themembership informed of any progress made.

Region 3 (Sandy Beitel) No Report

Region 4 (David Tuttle) No Report

Region 5 (Shirley Schable) No Report

Region 6 (Norman Forshee) No Report

Region 7 (Scott Sylvester) No Report

Region 8 (Jeff Rodrigues) City of Chicago is going to convert toWireless 9-1-1, Phase I. Testing will be- gin in April. The City has been advised, eventhough they are SS7, they must utilize CAMA trunks for wireless due to technicallimitations. They have been advised this will affect their “call set-up” time.


Technical Committee (Rick Jones):

Rick advised the membership of the Telco/Vendor Conference held inOrlando, Florida last month. There were four (4) tracks or sessions. Approximately 400people were in attendance at the Network session.

During the wireless sessions it was determined there were at least (2)two different ways to provide wireless 9-1-1 service (cost would be either a large nonrecurring and small monthly or small non recurring and large monthly). There was noassurance that investments made in Phase I will be or can be carried over into Phase II.

Local Number Portability had one (1) great area of concern, 9-1-1.Luckily 9-1-1 is not an issue in Illinois. The city of Minneapolis had a major issue dueto the consolidation of rate centers. This issue is now being reviewed at the nationallevel. Barry Bishop (now employed by Lockheed-Martin) will be chairing the National NENARate Center Consolidation Number Pooling Committee.

Conference Committee (Kathy Monken) :

Kathy informed the membership of the 1997 conference results as follows:

Attendance 640 (increase of 57 over 1996 conference)

Vendors/Vendor Booths 40/44

Programs/Break-out Sessions 44

A profit from the 1997 conference of approximately $15,590.00 will beforwarded to both the INENA and APCO organizations by the Conference Treasurer within thenext 60 days. This is an increase of approximately $7,000.00 over 1996. The committee isawaiting a check from National APCO for approximately $3,200.00, which represents proceedsfrom the “APCO Course” that was offered on Sunday. This check will also be splitbetween the INENA and APCO organizations.

Kathy reminded the membership that last year a three-year contract wassigned with the Holiday Inn Decatur, to be the conference site. The conference datesthrough the year 2000 are as follows:

OCTOBER 25-28, 1998

OCTOBER 24-27, 1999

OCTOBER 22-24, 2000

Gregg Riddle, Speaker Chairman, is looking for topics for the”break out and general sessions”. If you have any ideas please contact Gregg at(847) 734-8015.

Vendor packets have been mailed. The committee asked that if you know ofa vendor who is not on our mailing list, please call Richard Tuma, Vendor Chairman, at(847) 724-4888.

Kathy also reminded the membership, if there are any members interestedin joining the Conference Committee, please call her at (618) 277-7316 Ext. 107, she willbe glad to put you to work.

CONSTITUTION/BY-LAWS (Norm Forshee/Doug Edmonds):

No Report. The current status of the committee is as follows; a reviseddisk documenting the current by-laws has been forwarded to Doug Edmonds for review and/orupdate.


President Whipple appointed Richard Tuma to lead the 1998 NominatingCommittee for the 1999 calendar year. However, the INENA By-laws indicate the pastpresident should be the designated committee chairman, therefore Norman H. Forshee will bethe Nominations Committee Chairman.

Awards Committee (Jerry Bleck):

Jerry asked the membership to keep in mind who would be deserving andnominate them this year. Mailing of the applications will take place in July with a returndate to Jerry Blecks? committee by September.

INENA Historical Committee (Mike Moos);

President Whipple created the above committee with Mike Moos aschairman, to gather and document as much historical information, as is available,regarding INENA (i.e. past presidents, past conferences etc.). If anyone is interested inserving on this committee or has valuable documents, pictures etc. please contact MikeMoos at (217) 782-4540.


Deb advised the membership she attended the Telco/Vendor Conference inOrlando, Florida. Deb stated she was very proud to see Illinois was one of the top five(5) states in attendance with 29 people.

Deb encouraged the membership to plan on attending this conference nextyear.

Par 725 is still in the workshop stage. Hearings will be scheduled oncea review of the last set of workshops (which will be held the end of March in Bloomington,IL.) have been conducted. A final draft of the plan will be mailed prior to any hearingdates.

Deb stressed to existing E9-1-1 systems, when a new system comes on lineit may be affected by the “opt out” clause of an adjoining county/municipality .Deb stated should this occur, a modification of the existing E9-1-1 systemapplication/plan must be filled with the Illinois Commerce Commission.

Deb advised the membership of the current commission activity. It is asfollows:

Cook County (Unincorporated) Final Order 2/10/98

Kendall County Application Modification Hearing 1/25/98

Northwest Central Application Modification Granted

Will County Application Modification Granted

Vermilion County Final Order to Operate 02/04/98

Union County Final Order to Operate Granted in 12/98, “SoftCut” 02/18/98


Deb informed the membership a petition was filed by the ITA (IllinoisTelecommunications Assoc.) regarding PTC (Primary Toll Carrier) and the decision to eitherdissolve or establish a new arrangement to address 9-1-1.

The ITA will be submitting a final plan to the Illinois CommerceCommission, which will require testimony. The following hearing dates have been scheduled:Hearing 02/17/98

ITA Testimony due to I.C.C. Staff 04/01/98

Staff?s Rebuttal 04/29/98

ITA?s Rebuttal 05/13/98

I.C.C. Staff?s Sur-Rebuttal 05/20/98

Final Hearing 06/02/98

Deb stressed all operating 9-1-1 systems will receive advancenotification of the impact (if any) regarding this issue.

The status of the City of Chicago vs the I.C.C. , is, the I.C.C. hasfiled an appeal.

The I.C.C. will have a web site established within the next 30 days.



President Whipple advised the membership to check the last issue oftheir NENA news and read an excellent issue written by Mike Moos regarding the curriculumand the how training standards were achieved in the State of Illinois.

Mike informed the membership of the following:

Grants for EMD Training MTU scheduled for 04/28-04/30/98 conducted byMedical Priority

(Please call (630) 896-8860 to schedule. There are still openings)

To date 83 People have been trained at a cost $15,675.00. To date$44,147.00 from a $60,000.00 Grant has been obligated. Approximately $8,000 is left tofund another course prior to the end of this fiscal year, which is June 30, 1998.

Mike stressed this grant program is used for other courses. Therefore,there is competition for this funding source.

The web site address is www.ptb.state.il.us (lower case).

Mike also suggested, while on the site to go to the film center whereover 1600 films have been cataloged and are available at no charge.

Mike stated he has done some preliminary work on the Historical Libraryand has formed a committee consisting of Marci Schroll and /or Deb Prather , Jerry Bleck,Jeff Rogerson and Charlene Davis. Mike also asked if anyone has documents, pictures etc.please let Mike know so that he can make copies or place the document in a centraldepository.

Mike also commented on the excellent quality of the Will Countynewsletter.

President Whipple commented on the possibility of INENA establishing anewsletter. Discussion will take place on this issue at a later date.



Rick received thanks from attendees at the Telco/Vendor Conference forpursuing tough issues and continually remaining a strategy leaders.

WORLDCOM is putting a switch in the Chicago area to serve the Metro Areaand may be placing a callbox on that switch. This generates the question of, who will manthis callbox?

Local Number Portability – St. Louis, IL has no new providers.Therefore, Local Number Portability will no longer be a requirement in that area.

Ameritech has a 03/31/98 deadline to turn on Local Number Portability.The company is in a holding pattern because the F.C.C. has not issued a cost recoveryorder.

If Ameritech is your 9-1-1service provider contact them immediately toobtain your Company ID on your 9-1-1 screen, if you are in the Chicago/Metro area.

The newest Local Number Portability issue will now be, who owns thetelephone number when a “No Record Found” is experienced or you need to contactthe telephone company for a particular telephone number. There is an “IBR”,which is a system that allows you to key in the telephone number your are checking. Youkey in a password and you will be able to determine who owns the telephone number inquestion. The service will be available on a 24 hour basis and is expected to turn onMarch 16, 1998 in Chicago, Illinois and Detroit, Michigan only. Who will pay for histelephone call is still under discussion.

Prior to 9-1-1 going on line with Local Number Portability, tests mustbe conducted. Those test requirements will be incorporated into Part 725 and will not be aproblem in Illinois nor will the issue of a customer who does not move but does changecarriers. In Illinois, at no point will the “ALI” record disappear.


President Whipple restated the fact that both INENA and APCO have beenattempting, for quite some time to obtain wireless 9-1-1 legislation. In the last severalmonths the decision was made, by the organizations, to obtain spokesperson(s) to negotiatewith the wireless carriers, on behalf of the organizations.

The basis for these negotiations would be the original language in HouseBill 617.

March 4, 1998 marked the beginning of negotiations with the INENA/APCOdesignated representatives. The

wireless carriers representative (Kappy Liang of AT & T Wireless)presented a document/proposal which is considered to be totally unacceptable to bothorganizations.

Greg Sullivan, wireless spokesperson for INENA/APCO, spoke to theGeneral Membership and informed them, it appears that should systems discontinue receiving9-1-1 calls, the State Police will accept the calls.

There was a great deal of discussion on this issue and Greg?sopinion of the current negotiations.

The membership was advised another proposal will be presented the weekof March 9th. The current legislative session will end May 22, 1998.


Richard Tuma expressed the need to continue keeping the issues of LocalNumber Portability and Call Set-Up Time in the forefront

NENA has increased its? dues by $15.00 making the total now $75.00.


The March 5th, 1998 INENA meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m.


The INENA Minutes are available on the INTERNET at the following websiteaddress:



The next General Membership meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May7, 1998 at the Bloomington Public Library, 205 E. Olive St., Bloomington, Illinois.



May 7, 1998 Bloomington Public Library, 205 E. Olive St.,Bloomington, Illinois

July 9, 1998 Bloomington Public Library, 205 E. Olive St.,Bloomington, Illinois

Sept. 3, 1998 Bloomington Public Library, 205 E. Olive St.,Bloomington, Illinois

Oct. 27, 1998 *Annual Meeting, Decatur Holiday Inn, Decatur, Illinois