



March 1, 2001


President Michael A. Midiri called the General Membership Meeting of INENA to order at 10:35 A.M. at the Bloomington Police Department in Bloomington, Illinois.



Michael Midiri (President), David Tuttle (Vice President), Vickie Leibach (Secretary), Scott Sylvester (Treasurer), Douglas Edmonds (Region 1, Vice President), Jerry Bleck (Region 2, Vice President), Sandy Beitel (Region 3, Vice President), Richard Gragert (Region 4, Vice President), Marci Schroll (Region 5, Vice President), Kathy Monken (Region 6, Vice President), and Ken Smith (Region 7, Vice President).



Jeff Rodrigues (Region 8, Vice President).


APPROVAL OF INENA MINUTES:  The motion was made by Richard Tuma and seconded by David Whipple to approve the INENA Annual Membership minutes dated January 4, 2001.  The motion passed unanimously. 


TREASURER’S REPORT (Scott Sylvester):  Scott Sylvester advised the membership of the following INENA account balances:  General fund $47,345.97; Education fund $2,279.22; Certificate of Deposits $23,297.33.   A motion was made by Jerry Eisner and seconded by Richard Gragert to approve the treasurer’s report.  The motion passed unanimously. 


VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT (David Tuttle):  No Report




NENA REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT (RON BONNEAU):  Ron Bonneau stated Norm Forshee was in Washington DC making a presentation to the 5-1-1 Commission.  The National NENA office continues to work on issues involving Non-traditional call path association, OnStar and similar devices and their development and direction within the next five years, and wireless trunking cost recovery responsibility.  To date, the FCC has not rendered a ruling on this issue.  The Technical Development Conference will be held in Orlando this month.  R. D. Porter, a Missouri NENA member is running for National NENA 2nd Vice President and would appreciate your vote.  Ron will also be running for re-election and appreciates the membership’s support.


SECRETARY’S REPORT (Vickie Leibach):  No report.



Region 1 (Doug Edmonds)  North suburban agencies continue to work on wireless 9-1-1.  First implementation could be in May.

Region 2 (Jerry Bleck)          Region 2 continues to work on wireless 9-1-1.  Two issues plague the process; some wireless carriers non-cooperation and trunk installation from the LECs.

Region 3 (Sandy Beitel)      Region 3 is working on wireless 9-1-1.

Region 4 (Richard Gragert) Two Region 4 meetings are scheduled.  On March 21st there will be a meeting in Gibson City and on March 22nd in Peoria. 

Region 5 (Marci Schroll)       A nice response was received from the surveys mailed out, hopefully a Region 6 meeting will be held March 28th

Region 6 (Kathy Monken)    St. Clair County working on mapping.  Anticipate two more wireless carriers to be on-line in the near future, AT&T and Voice Stream. 

Region 7 (Ken Smith)           Region 7 agencies have been meeting once a month.  Bob Currier of SCC spoke at the last meeting, the next will be March 21st in Carbondale with the ICC. 

Region 8 (Jeff Rodrigues)    Absent




TECHNOLOGIES (Richard Jones):  Absent


LEGISLATION (Norm Forshee):  Absent


CONFERENCE (Kathy Monken):  Kathy Monken advised currently there are 127 registrations at the Hilton and 60 reservations at the Renaissance.  The membership was encouraged to first try and make reservations at the Hilton and if filled then at the Renaissance.  Conference hotel information:  Hilton Downtown (Host Hotel) 217-789-1530 and the Renaissance (Overflow) 217-544-8800.  Session suggestions or requests should be directed to Gregg Riddle.  The vendor packets will be mailed out this month.




ILLINOIS COMMERCE COMMISSION (Rick Gasparin):  Rick Gasparin summarized the following legislative bills currently being monitored by the ICC: 

SB 1017, sponsored by Carpiel – Provides compensation to public safety agencies who answer 9-1-1 calls at a lock box when the 9-1-1 system is down.

SB 614, sponsored by Watson – Proposes repealing PS/ALI legislation.

SB 1289, sponsored by Clemm – Proposes modifying PS/ALI legislation to effect new businesses only.

HB 1687, sponsored by Black – Removes schools and religious buildings from PS/ALI compliance.

HB 2209, sponsored by Bost – Proposes repealing PS/ALI legislation.

HB 2426, sponsored by Brunsbold – Proposes to make the telecommunication carriers responsible for the installation of PS/ALI equipment.

The House of Representatives also have a bill proposed to exempt the Department of Corrections from the PS/ALI legislation.  David Whipple felt that as an association, we needed to take a position on each of these bills.  Rick Gasparin suggested contacting the sponsors of the bills.  Consensus was that INENA oppose the following legislative bills:  SB 614, SB 1289, HB 1687, and HB 2209.  The remaining proposed legislative bills would be referred to the Legislative Committee for review. 

Rick Gasparin reported the ICC hosted a 9-1-1 Coordinator’s Meeting on February 28th in Springfield.  The next meeting will be held in Des Plaines at the Main North High School on March 7th and in Carbondale at the Civic Center on March 21st

Part 727 was prohibited from going into effect by JCAR.  The House and Senate each must approve the prohibiting of this rule for it not to go into effect. 


ILLINOIS TELECOMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION (Carol Wagner):  Carol Wagner advised that the ITA asked the ICC to invite a few 9-1-1 systems to a meeting to discuss on-site database issues.  Another meeting is scheduled for March 2nd at 10:00 AM in Springfield.  The ITA asks that attendance be limited to those with on-site database issues. 




NEW BUSINESS:  Gregg Riddle advised the membership that as of January there were 137 members who did not renew their APCO memberships.  Rich Tuma discussed the pending EMD legislation.  This item was referred to the Legislative Committee. 


PROGRAM TOPIC:  “CMS Update and Information” by Steve Wieland


President Michael Midiri reminded the membership that the next INENA meeting will be a combined INENA and APCO meeting and will be held May 3rd at the Holiday Inn on Route 51 in Bloomington, Illinois.


The motion to adjourn was made by Jerry Eisner and seconded by Jim Gray.  The motion passed unanimously.  Meeting was adjourned at 12:40 P.M.