


January 9, 2003


President Michael A. Midiri called the General Membership Meeting of INENA to order at 10:35 AM at the State Fire Marshal’s office, Springfield, IL. 


Michael Midiri (President), David Tuttle (Vice President), Bobette Benson (Secretary), Douglas Edmonds (Region 1, Vice President), Douglas Miller (Region 3, Vice President), Vickie Leibach (Region 4, Vice President), Marci Schroll (Region 5, Vice President), Kathy Monken (Region 6, Vice President), and Ken Smith (Region 7, Vice President). 


John Kelly (Treasurer), Jerry Bleck (Region 2, Vice President), Jeff Rodrigues (Region 8, Vice President). 

APPROVAL OF INENA MINUTES:   The motion was made by Harland Hector and seconded by Kathy Monken to approve the INENA minutes for October 21, 2002.  The motion passed unanimously.   

TREASURER’S REPORT (John Kelly):  No Report Available. 


VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT (David Tuttle):  No Report 

SECRETARY’S REPORT (Bobette Benson):  No Report 


Region 1 (Doug Edmonds)

Cook County 911 reports 6 of 7 wireless carriers at Phase II.

Region 2 (Jerry Bleck) 


Region 3 (Doug Miller)

No Report

Region 4 (Vickie Leibach)

No Report

Region 5 (Marci Schroll) 

Has a conference call scheduled for January 29, 2003 at 09:00 AM

Region 6 (Kathy Monken)

No Report.

Region 7 (Ken Smith)

Has a meeting scheduled for January 22, 2003.  The 9-member sub-committee looking at the ETSB make-up will meet for the first time today.

Region 8 (Jeff Rodrigues) 


 TECHNICAL COMMITTEE (Richard Jones):  Absent 

LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE (Norm Forshee by David Tuttle):   The Legislative committee has 3 sub-committees looking at current legislation.  One for ICC Part 725 re-write.  One for Wireline Statutory and one Wireless Statutory looking at the wireless April 2005 sunset provision.  Contact Norm Forshee or John Kelly if you are interested in participating on any of these committees.                                               

CONFERENCE COMMITTEE (Kathy Monken):   The contract has been signed to hold the INENA/ILAPCO/ICC conference at the Hilton, in Springfield for an additional 4 years.  The scheduled dates are:

2003: October 26 – 29, 2003 

2004: October 24 – 27, 2004                 

2005: October 23 – 26, 2005

2006: October 21 – 24, 2006

The conference met the room quota at the Hilton by one room only this year.  Next year, if you book 15 rooms,you will be required to provide 15 names on them. The financials are not available for the 2002 conference at this time.  The vendor area will be expanded in 2003.  Gregg Riddle needs topics for the breakout sessions. 

ILLINOIS COMMERCE COMMISSION (Marci Schroll):   ICC will have the final draft of Part 725 completed this month. The ICC will mail this information to all members with a notice of a scheduled workshop.  Bring any suggestions for changes to the workshop.

The SBC Wireless Tariff is assigned docket number 02-0683.  SBC direct testimony is due by January 20th.  Staff and Interveners testimony is due February 24th.  On March 18th Staff and interveners file rebuttals.  SBC has the last round of testimony due April 8th.  Oral testimony is set for April 30th and May 1st.  No new information may be introduced after that time. You may petition to intervene at any time but you won’t receive the documents if you filed after the November deadline.

The commission continues to hold monthly conference calls with the wireless carriers to follow up on the status of wireless in the State of Illinois.  Let Marci know if you have issues.

Annual reports are due on January 31, 2003.  Call Vickie at 217-524-5064 if you have any questions.

The question of telephone numbers, which are used by systems to make or receive emergency calls, being added to the ‘no call’ list which is being developed was asked by Bill Janes.  Marci will research this.

The ICC is developing a Public Safety Division.  911 is being taken out of the Telecom division and put in the Public Safety Division.  All Public Safety groups will be placed in this division. 

ILLINOIS TELEPHONE ASSOCIATION (Carol Wagner):  Network diagrams are being mailed out.  Centrex  Surcharge was discussed.  Changes took effect January 1, 2003.  Each carrier will be different in how the ratio is determined.  Gene Valentine provided a handout for SBC.   

CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE (Steve Wieland):  CMS is on track with wireless payments. 


Mike Midiri:  INENA need topics for General Membership meetings.  Please contact any INENA board member if there is something you want brought before the membership.  Is the membership interested in having vendors make presentations at meetings?  The consensus was: NO. 

NEW BUSINESS:  Mike Moos invited attendees to tour the Command Center for the Fire Marshal’s Office.  The center serves as a back up EOC for IEMA.  Mike showed a Homeland Security Current Threat Level Display Board to the members.  If you have any questions, or would like to order a board, Contact Mike at 217-558-0639. 

Mike Midiri asked the membership about starting a mentoring program for new 911 systems. 


PROGRAM TOPIC:  David Tuttle initiated a discussion on where systems are with wireless Phase I and II. 

The motion to adjourn was made by Bill Janes and seconded by Michelle Dodson.  The motion passed unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 1148 AM.