911 Disaster


911 Disaster

From: [email protected]
Date: 23 Oct 1997
Time: 17:05:03
Remote Name: slip129-37-243-86.nm.us.ibm.net


Here in Santa Fe County we are being re-addressed. However,nothing is going smoothly and it is a disaster. Some places arerenumbered, others are not, mail is disrupted as well as FEDEXand UPS. This is happening where we already had very welldocumented and mapped street addresses. Current and futuretechnology could have handled locations very well without yourdumb mileage-based system. And, what are you do-good clowns goingto do when we all go metric — have us multiply our current 911addresses by 1.6?

James M. Davidson 44 West Wildflower Dr. (formerly 18) SantaFe, NM 87501
