Dispatcher Schedules (12hr,10hr,8hr,24hr) and Statistics


Dispatcher Schedules (12hr,10hr,8hr,24hr) and Statistics

From: dengler-PSC Manager, Temple, Texas
Date: 16 May 1997
Time: 10:04:14
Remote Name:


I am a new PSC manager and am looking for statistics andinformation regarding schedules. We are currently working an 8hour staight shift with three dispatcher positions, handlingfire, ems, police and medivac. I am considering going to a 10hr/4day work week, but would also like information about a 12 hourschedule format. ANYONE who know where I can get moreinformation, surveys, statistics, sample schedules… I wouldreally appreciate it! I am also very new to the internet. Arethere any othr sites I should look at?
