State 911 Coordinators Meeting


Florida Chapter

State 9-1-1Coordinators Fall Conference
December 6-9, 1999
Howey-In-The-Hills, Florida


FROM:  Joe Reavy, President, Florida Chapter of NENA

TO:  Florida NENA Members

The fall 9-1-1 Coordinators/NENA conference will be held at theMission Inn at Howey-In-The-Hills, Lake County.  It is imperative that you actquickly to reserve a room for this event to ensure your lodging.

Among the topics of discussion will be the new 9-1-1 wirelesslegislation enacted July 1, 1999 and the wireless issues, updates on the ALEC activity andPublic Service Commission rulings, 9-1-1 database issues, 3-1-1 issues, and 9-1-1coordinators business meetings.

Please find enclosed a tentative schedule, room reservationinformation and a registration form.

Looking forward to seeing you and discussing these importantissues.  If you have any questions, please call me at 813-744-5911 or E-Mail me at [email protected]

As in the past, there are noregistration fees for the coordinators meetings.

(Tentative – Subject to Change)

See You At Mission Inn!!
10400 C.R. 48
Reservation No. 800-874-9053

FLORIDA – NENA – State 9-1-1 Coordinators Fall/Winter Meeting

MON – DEC 6  
1300 – 1600 Conference Registration & NENA Executive Board Meeting
1700 – 1900 NENA Boat Cruise (Must Be Signed Up Before Hand)
1900 – 2100 Hospitality Suite (Sponsor – Dictaphone Corp)


TUE – DEC 7  
0800 – 0900 Breakfast (Sponsor – Lake County BCC)
0800 – 0815 Welcome and Opening Statements (Commissioner Welton Cadwell, Lake County BCC Chairman)
0900 – 1030 Role Call and 9-1-1 Business Information
Legislative Update
Wireless Legislation
PSC ALEC Agency Action
May Meeting in Ft Lauderdale
Next September’s Meeting
Other Legislation – F.H.P. and 9-1-1, Barry Mogil
ILEC Updates – Sprint, BellSouth, GTE, AllTel, others
1030 -1045 BREAK (Sponsor – GTE)
1045 – 1200 Y2K Task Force Update – Glenn Mayne and Scott McPherson, Florida Year 2000 Project Office
1200 – 1300 LUNCH On Your Own
1300 – 1445 ILEC, CLEC and Wireless Providers Updates
1445 – 1500 BREAK (Sponsor – GTE)
1500 – 1700 “Path To Success for Phase I” Presented by SCC
1800 – 2100 Hospitality Suite (Sponsor – Positron)


WED – DEC 8  
0800 – 0900 Refreshments (Sponsor – Time Warner)
0800 – 1030 Wireless Phase II Solutions
1030 -1045 BREAK (Sponsor – BellSouth)
1045 – 1200 Wireless 9-1-1 (Open Discussion)
1.  CELLTRAX, Inc. Update by Dr. Rodney Bent
2.  Coordinator checklist for Phase I
3.  Coordinator checklist for Phase II
4.  Consumer Information
1200 – 1300 LUNCH On Your Own
1200 – 1700 NOTE:  Sponsor’s products and services space and display tables available
1300 – 1445 9-1-1 Database
1.  ALEC data – is it integrated into your database
2.  ALEC errors – how do we correct
3.  Coordinator checklist for database
1445 – 1500 BREAK (Sponsor – BellSouth)
1500 – 1700 Wireless Technology and GIS
1.  Bob Miller – General Motor’s On-Star
2.  Todd Radulski – DMSC, Inc.
3.  Coordiantor checklist for GIS
1900 – 2100 Conference Dinner (Sponsors – CML, PLANT, & SPRINT)


THU – DEC 9  
0800 Coffee (Sponsor – Florida NENA)
0800 – 1200 Meeting Room Open For Overflow Sessions…..
1200 End of Conference
ADJOURNMENT – Have A Safe Trip Home

Page Created & Designed By: Jerry Brock
Last Updated: Thursday, October 07, 1999