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Our next meeting will be held at the end of September (exact date to be announced).  It will be held in Bridgeport, at the State Police, Troop G.   Representatives from the State Police and Department of Transportation will make a presentation on the combined communications center at the troop, featuring the highway cameras and signs.

Several CT NENA members attended the annual NENA conference in Salt Lake City, Utah in June.  Attending from Connecticut were:  Dave Collins, Karen Sturgeon, Bruce Miller, George Pohorilak, and Dinah Ghirardi.  President/Vice President workshops were held, and the chapter received a notebook with bylaws, memberships lists, and other information pertaining to National NENA and the chapters.   We will be having a membership drive to let all PSAPs in Connecticut know about the benefits of joining NENA.


Telecommunicator’s Conference

 A one-day conference was held during National Telecommunicators Week in April. Itwas a joint effort between the Managers of Emergency Communications Centers Association(MECCA), the Office of Statewide Emergency Telecommunications, APCO Atlantic Chapter, andCT-NENA. Vendors sponsored many of the events and an exhibit area was set up.

Keynote speakers were Cindy Cline of Jefferson County, Colorado and Kevin Willett ofPublic Safety Training Consultants.  Cindy spoke on the Columbine High SchoolShootings and Kevin presented a session on Customer Service in the 9-1-1 center.  Other workshops were also held on topics including Telecommunicator Liability, SuicidalCallers, LifeStar, Public Education, and Stress Management.

Over 100 people attended the conference, which was held at the Connecticut State FireAcademy in Windsor Locks.  Feedback was very positive on this event, and plans are toconduct an annual conference.

Check out these pictures from the conference!


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More pictures will be posted soon….. Be sure to come back!