2000 NENA Conference Call for Presentations

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2000 NENA Salt Lake City Conference
Call for Presentations

Yes, I am interested in being aspeaker during the 2000 NENA Annual Conference in Salt Lake City, UT, June11-15, 2000.

You are invited to submit proposals for educational presentations for the 2000 NENA Annual Conference.

Members and non-members are requested to submit proposals that will bring practical, relevant and new information and ideas attendees.

Speakers will gain visibility and credibility in the eyes of their peers while making a significant contribution to the 9-1-1 profession.

How to Submit Your Proposal

You can either print this page out and fill it in or simply fill it out online and press the submit button.

Your submission would include the following:

  • A suggested title.

  • A 100 Word Description of the topic to be covered in the presentation.

  • Your estimate of the amount of time you will need for your presentation.

  • The names of co-speakers or panel members, if applicable.

Presentation Proposal Deadline

Presentation Proposal Forms must be submitted by January 14, 2000.  Early confirmation of program topics and procedures will allow for extensive pre-conference promotion of the educational opportunities that are vital to NENA’s Annual Conference.

(All speakers at NENA’s Annual Conference are required to register as conference attendees.  NENA is unable to waive registration for speakers or panel members.)










Track (Choose only one):

Operations 9-1-1 Implementation National Issues
Training Americans with Disabilities Act Technical Aspects of 9-1-1
Public Education Data Base/GIS Administration
Contingency Planning Wireless 9-1-1  

Presentation Title

Time Required

Description of Presentation (limit 100 words)
NOTE: This section MUST be filled out with the complete description of your presentation.

Co-speakers and/or Panel Members

If you choose not to complete and send your form on-line, you will need to send your Presentation Proposal From to:

NENA 2000 Conference Program, c/o Dr. Robert Cobb, 1560 Fishinger Road, Suite C, Columbus, Ohio 43221

Phone: (614) 459-7707

Fax: (614) 459-7709 email: [email protected]