Invitation From The NENA President

Invitation From NENA’s President

Dear 9-1-1 Executive:

The National Emergency Number Association invites you toattend the 17th Annual Conference, June 21 – 25, 1998, inCincinnati, Ohio. Connect with over 2,300 leading 9-1-1executives and industry leaders who are committed to gaining theknowledge needed to manage a 9-1-1 system in today’s everchanging environment.

The National Emergency Number Association is known industrywide for its dynamic, high quality educational programs. Connectwith other industry professionals to discuss the critical issuesof the day. Be a part of this exciting educational event thatwill help you, your agency or company, and the industry preparefor the future.

The NENA Annual Conference offers a full package ofnationally-known speakers, information-packed breakout sessions,networking opportunities, state-of-the-art exhibits and twoexciting special events.

The NENA Annual Conference is the only event that showcasesevery aspect of the 9-1-1 industry and a record-breaking numberof exhibitors from throughout the industry. Come and visit theexhibits, meet and network with influential professionals fromthe industry, and take advantage of the broadest educationalopportunities ever offered at this event.

Join us at NENA ’98. You’ve gotconnections to make!

Bill Munn