Wireless 9-1-1 Web Pages

Wireless 9-1-1 Web Pages
Wireless 9-1-1 implementation is a daunting but critically necessary task. NENA’s Wireless 9-1-1 Web Pages are here to help you through this process with resources you can use. These pages will be updated with new information and helpful documents as they become available.

NENA Wireless Operations Committee Co-Chairs:

Norm Forshee, ENP, 618-227-7316, [email protected] 
Susan Sherwood, 913-315-2314, [email protected] 

NENA Wireless Technical Committee Chair

Tom Hinkleman, 214-464-1989, [email protected]

Click on the links below for:

NENA, NASNA and APCO Submit Unintentional Call Letter to FCC (PDF):  On January 9, the three Associations submitted a letter to FCC Chairman Michael Powell requesting that the Commission adopt a Notice of Inquiry as soon as possible to examine the very serious problems posed by unintentional wireless telephone calls to 9-1-1. Click on the link above for an Adobe PDF of the letter.

NENA Issues Letter to Wireless Carriers–Unintentional Wireless Calls (Adobe PDF): On December 12th NENA issued a letter to wireless carriers asking them to take action to minimize unintentional 9-1-1 calls from wireless telephones. These calls have become a real problem for many PSAPs, often amounting to more than 50% of the wireless 9-1-1 calls received. Unintentional 9-1-1 calls typically occur when an auto-9-1-1 feature is unknowingly activated by pressure on either the 1 or 9 button. This feature is built into the set software, and can be deactivated. Carriers are asked to direct their set manufacturers to either remove this feature completely, or set it to ‘OFF’, as well as to see that their sales points verify the feature is OFF at delivery to the customer. Actions to inform current users are also requested. Carrier responses will be summarized on the NENA Web site. The letter comes from a work group led by Roger Hixson.

FCC Reports and Orders–Download the FCC’s Wireless 9-1-1 rulings from their web site. (HTML)

NENA/RCC Wireless Location Certification Service: A description of the new Wireless Phase II location certification service developed by a partnership of NENA and RCC Consultants. Capabilities for both pre-service and post-service testing of caller location accuracy are planned.

FCC Approved Deployment Summary Table: This wireless 9-1-1 deployment summary table illustrates the plans of six major wireless carriers, based the recent FCC approval of waivers. Carriers include VoiceStream, Nextel, Cingular, AWS, Verizon and Sprint.

Wireless Waiver Request Table: Under rules established by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), wireless carriers were required to provide Automatic Location Identification (ALI) as part of Phase II E9-1-1 implementation beginning October 1, 2001. As we approached that date, many, if not most major wireless carriers had filed requests with the FCC to waive parts of those rules, most notably the deployment and accuracy provisions involved. The nature and potential results of these many requests can be confusing. This Wireless Carrier Waiver Summary Table summarizes the requests from eight of the larger carriers.

Wireless 9-1-1 Overview: A general article/information page talking about what Wireless 9-1-1 is, what the three Phases of Wireless 9-1-1 are, when it’s supposed to be implemented, wireless telephone call statistics, and more. 

Reference Information: A variety of information including FCC rulings, wireless matrix, wireless checklist, links to NN articles, wireless call tragedies, and more.

Wireless CIF Presentations: Adobe PDF versions of slide presentations given at NENA’s Region-Specific Wireless 9-1-1 CIFs early in 2001.

Wireless Web Links: Links to additional resources on the Internet.

If you have a Wireless 9-1-1 resource to share with your fellow 9-1-1 professionals, please email the Webmaster.