December, 1997 Minutes

December, 1997 Minutes

of the

National Emergency NumberAssociation

Washington Chapter


Members present: Naomi Wu, PENCOM; Randy Richmond,Zetron; Sue Pivetta, Professional Pride; Hank Cramer, Ken Back,Bob Oenning, Allen Jakobitz, Penelope Christopherson, State E911Office; John Wilding, Pierce County E911; Jane Bissonnette,XYPOINT; Michael Grossie, MACC.

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. at the LaceyCommunity Center, Woodland Creek Community Park in Lacey,Washington. Self-introductions were made.

Nov. 6 Minutes Approved

The November 6, 1997 minutes were approved with the followingtwo amendments: 1) strike mention of the reason for the delay instarting of the 11/6 meeting; 2) include that PenelopeChristopherson, State E911 Public Educator Coordinator, aired a30-second public service announcement video presentation producedby National NENA, featuring Dave Thomas of Wendy?s. She alsointroduced a sample format of the proposed 9-1-1 public safetypage for insertion on the inside front cover ofWashington-produced telephone directories.

Treasurer?s Report

Treasurer Ken Back reported $2,166.93 in the account. Fundshave been received from National NENA and will be reflected inthe February report. Ken said the NENA pins have been ordered buthave not yet been received. They may be available for sale at thenext meeting.

Secretary?s Report

In Larry Scott?s absence, Penelope Christophersonreported that the Washington Chapter of NENA mailed 154 sets ofthe November minutes which included 34 membership applications.It was reported that many of the county 911 coordinators are notmembers and have been receiving the NENA minutes.

State E911 Office Report

Bob Oenning stated the Senator West study has been completed.He reported that the State E911 Office is moving ahead inawarding contracts. There are still 11 Washington countieswithout enhanced 9-1-1 services. Enhanced 911 must be implementedby Dec. 31, 1998.

Ken Back reported on the Senator West study. He said the studyrecommends that the 20 cent state tax remain at the 20-centlevel, rather than dropping to the proposed 10 cent level andthat it remain at 20 cents in perpetuity. The study alsorecommends that it continues its existing support and expands theWashington Administrative Code (WAC) to include funding forregionalization. The study also asks the Legislature for guidanceon the local salary issue.

Action Item: John Wilding,Pierce County 911, said he would make available to the State E911Office for county 911 coordinators a recent opinion received fromthe Pierce county attorney via the State Attorney General on whatconstitutes a 9-1-1 system and what that tax supports.

President?s Report

Mike Grossie read a letter received from Marlys Davis, Chairof the State E911 Public Education Work Group, requestingparticipation in the statewide 911 enhancement celebration inApril, 1999 (letter attached).

Recommendation: Form asubcommittee, comprised of chairs of existing NENA committees andother interested parties, to propose type of activity and levelof involvement in the statewide celebration. Displays of thethree NENA committees: public education, technology andlegislation could be developed. Present 1998 Education Programof the Year award winner and introduce past winners.

It was suggested that the member vendors also participate in adeveloping a display, highlighting Washington industries. It wassuggested they may wish to showcase a simulated work station,using their products. Mike Grossie will approach Doug Gehrke, USWest, to chair this committee.

Grossie reported that Rod Proctor of Proctor & Associatesvolunteered to sponsor the May 1997 Education Program of theYear award luncheon in Goldendale. Grossie further reportedthat GTE and US West volunteered to sponsor the individual andtraveling award for the 1997 recipient winner.

Subcommittee Reports


Bob Oenning reported in Jim Quackenbush?s absence thatthe Senator West study focused on the state tax and the StateE911 Wireless Work Group addresses the local tax. The questionarose as to what Washington NENA could do to support legislativeaction.

Action Item: Mike Grossieand Bob Oenning will draft a letter from the Washington StateChapter of NENA to all Washington-state lobbyists in publicsafety, communications and auxiliary interest asking for supportin putting forth our message. Allen Jakobitz will come up with alisting of those lobbyists. Mike Grossie will mail out the letterto these lobbyists as well as to all NENA members.


Mike Grossie wanted the minutes to reflect that the chair ofthis committee is Jackie Melvin, not Allen Jakobitz, as wasstated on the agenda. Mike Grossie reported in JackieMelvin?s absence that the 1997 Education Program of theYear announcements were mailed to all NENA members and to allPSAPs and he encouraged members to get their nominations in assoon as possible. He further reiterated that Rod Proctor ofProctor & Associates volunteered to sponsor the May 1997Education Program of the Year award luncheon in Goldendaleand Al Kear, GTE, and Doug Gehrke, US West, will sponsor theindividual and traveling award for the 1997 recipient winner.


Jane Bissonnette, XYPOINT, presented the Technology committeereport in Lynn Mell?s absence (committee report attached).The committee is currently recruiting membership. The nextconference call is scheduled for Jan.13 at 10:30 a.m. Ifinterested, call 206-205-0999 at 10:30 on the 13th to bridge intothat conference call.

Old Business

Mailing of NENA Minutes

Ken Back wanted to know what was decided on the item discussedat the November NENA meeting regarding mailing vs. E-mailing ofNENA minutes.

Action Item: It wasdetermined that the NENA Secretary will e-mail the minutes tothose members who have provided him with their e-mail address.These members would not receive a posted copy. Allen Jakobitzwill also enter the minutes on the NENA web page once theSecretary provides him with a computer copy.

All members interested in receiving e-mail minutes shouldnotify Larry Scott at his e-mail address, which is: [email protected]. Larry canalso be reached by phone at 425-334-8289.

NENA Lifetime Membership

Grossie indicated that a lifetime membership would bepresented to Noel Mhyre of Lynden, WA and former Pierce Co. 911Coordinator, on Monday, Dec. 8 at 1 p.m. at the Rib and ReefRestaurant in Bellingham. Any interested NENA member may attend.

New Business

9-1-1 Abuse Calls

Mike Grossie distributed an article, New CBS Show Reveals911 Abuse Calls, from the November issue of DispatcherMonthly (attached). He indicated that abuse calls area major concern in Grant County. He reports approximately 340hangup 9-1-1 calls a month. MACC will do public education toeducate on proper use of 9-1-1. He researched 9-1-1 abuseordinances in the state and could not find any.

3-9-4 to Report Drunk Drivers

Grossie reported that Houston, TX is using a 3-9-4 phonenumber for citizens to report drunk drivers. While Mike does notsupport the 3-9-4- number, he is researching how this could beaccomplished for his county sheriff. The 3-9-4 phone numbergenerated much discussion.

February NENA speaker

Sue Pivetta, Professional Pride, volunteered to be the Feb.5th program speaker in Walla Walla. She will report on her recenttrip to Argentina to conduct a study for 9-1-1 implementation.

The meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m. These minutes wereprepared by Penelope Christopherson in Larry Scott?sabsence. The next NENA meeting will be held in Walla Walla onThursday, Feb. 5 at 1 p.m.

Attachments (3)