9-1-1 Fast Facts

All Calls Annually:

An estimated 200 million calls to 9-1-1 in the U.S. each year.

Population Covered:

99%      (at least basic 9-1-1)

Geographic U.S. Covered:

96%      (at least basic 9-1-1)

Basic 9-1-1:

Basic 9-1-1 means that when the three-digit number is dialed, a call taker/dispatcher in the local public safety answering point (PSAP), or 9-1-1 call center, answers the call.  The emergency and its location are communicated by voice (or TTY) between the caller and the call taker. 

Enhanced 9-1-1:

In areas serviced by enhanced 9-1-1, the call is selectively routed to the proper local 9-1-1 center for the caller’s location, and the 9-1-1 center has equipment and database information that display the caller’s phone number and address to the call taker. The term “enhanced 9-1-1” is not synonymous with wireless 9-1-1.

Wireless Phase I:

When Phase I has been implemented, the call taker automatically receives the wireless call-back number.  This is important in the event the wireless phone call is dropped, and may even allow PSAP employees to work with the wireless company to identify the wireless subscriber.  Phase I also delivers the location of the cell tower handling the call. 

Wireless Phase II:

Phase II allows call takers to receive both the caller’s wireless phone number and their location information.   



Wireless 9-1-1 Progress:

The United States has 6,143 primary and secondary PSAPs.  Based on NENA’s preliminary assessment of the most recent FCC quarterly filings: 

·        7% have either basic 9-1-1 or no 9-1-1 

·        93% have enhanced 9-1-1 for wireline callers

·        65% have some Phase I

·        18% have some Phase II