Executive Director Search

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Bill Stanton to Step Down as NENA’sExecutive Director ….

NENA has grown in both membership and services during his years ofleadership
NENA’s first full-time Executive Director, Bill Stanton, will step down March 31, 1999,after serving NENA for fourteen years.

Under Bill’s leadership, NENA has come a long way. The membershiphas grown from 700 to more than 6000. Many new educational opportunities are available tomembers, from books and conferences, to technical information and management material.NENA has developed a strong voice in Washington and has provided information to ourgovernment leaders on many public safety issues.

Our thanks to Bill and his wife, Bobby, who has also been on boardfrom the start, for all they have done for the association and for the industry.

As his time with NENA comes to a close, Bill reminisces about all hehas seen
during the years.

To my NENA friends,

I am leaving NENA as executive director. Like all efforts of love, Iam leaving with mixed feelings. I joined NENA in 1985, when I was product manager for9-1-1 for Ohio Bell and searching for answers to my many, many questions about 9-1-1. Ifound not only the answers I needed, but also found many friends. I cannot begin toexpress my appreciation to my NENA friends, too many to name, who have helped NENA growand prosper.

After serving as North Central Regional Vice President for fouryears, in 1989 I was asked to become NENA’s first executive director. At this time NENAhad just a little over 700 members, the office was in the basement of my home with just afax machine and an 800 number.

As I look back, I am amazed at the changes each year brought.

My first year with NENA was a year of always learning, always tryingto do better. NENA moved to its first office (2-rooms). With growing membership andservices, we purchased our first computers, and by 1991, needed part-time help in theoffice. Thank goodness for Tim Rorris, a young, computer-literate college man. Tim isstill with us today, serving as computer specialist and exhibit manager.

During 1991, the NENA News, previously subcontracted out, wasbrought back into the folds. Advertising sales were not going well and the magazine neededto be re-formatted. Through this project we met Tim and Kathy Collins. They came on board,Tim to handle advertising sales, and Kathy, through her business, Initial Impression, thedesign and printing of the NENA News.

1992 and more change. As the organization grew, so did the needs ofits members. NENA needed to take charge of its conferences-an almost overwhelming job, andTim Collins answered the call. The places we’ve been, the things we have seen … all havemade many wonderful memories for me and have helped the NENA family grow stronger and moresupportive of each other. The Cities, The Questions…

  • 1992 – Orlando, FL – How many will come?
  • 1993 – Montreal, CAN – Will they come to Canada?
  • 1994 – Las Vegas, NV – Will they be allowed to come?
  • 1995 – Nashville, TN – Will more come again this year?
  • 1996 – Denver, CO – Will it be bigger yet?
  • 1997 – Baltimore, MD –  Will we have enough room?
  • 1998 – Cincinnati, OH – You mean the NENA staff doesn’t have to fly?

As you can see, we’ve been many places and yes, each year theattendance at the NENA annual conference has grown. That can mean only one thing – we aredoing something right!

1993 was also an exciting year for NENA. We published our firstbook, “The 9-1-1 Puzzle.” NENA hired Dr. Robert Cobb to serve as educationaldirector, and with the help of Beth Ozanich, Bob got our educational program off theground. An accompanying course was developed to compliment the book. This was a work oflove and dedication. Thanks to all involved. NENA has now published six books anddeveloped two additional educational courses. What an accomplishment!  TheTelco/Vendor conference was also offered for the first time in 1993. This year, our fifth,the conference continues to grow, helping the public safety industry develop andunderstand the needs of the 9-1-1 community. The first issue of the Connections newsletterwas mailed to members in Spring of 1993.

By 1995, with computer technology moving faster and faster, Windows95 opened doors for all of us. We started talking about a thing called a Web Page for NENA- what is that? And then we started using another new thing: e-mail for fast communicationbetween staff, the Executive Board and members. Life is moving faster and faster. It isboth exciting and challenging. To help meet the challenges of new technology and deal withwireless issues, NENA got our first government grant, enabling us to start a PSAP DataBase.

In October of 1996, NENA’s first ENP (Emergency Number Professional)exam was given. This task was long in the making. Dr. Bill Munn brought the idea to theBoard and was its ringleader and cheerleader. This exam was established using the bestbrains in the 9-1-1 industry. NENA now has 171 proud (and they should be) ENPs. A greatjob to Bill Munn and his team of great NENA people.

In 1997 we added yet another project to our plate. The NENA Boarddecided that it was time to start our own Critical Issues Forums. Our first was heldduring the Spring of 1998, with four scheduled each year.

Now, up to the present. We have hired S. Robert (Bob) Miller toserve as NENA’s technical director, starting on October 1.

NENA is faced with many challenges. We need to continue to strive toprovide for our citizens the best technology for our 9-1-1 service. We need to continue tobe involved in government decisions regarding 9-1-1 issues. And we need to remain anetwork of people that help each other solve these challenges.

Here we are looking for a new executive director. May his/her yearsbe as challenging and rewarding as mine have been.

Thank you all,

William (Bill) E. Stanton

The search is under way for the new NENAExecutive Director …..

Search under way for Executive Director of this $2 million budget, 8staff, 6000 member organization.  Seek individual to oversee all operational andfinancial activities; provide the Board or Directors with tactical and strategicrecommendations on issues affecting the industry; effectively and efficiently managepersonnel and fiscal resources; recommend and participate in the formulation of newpolicies, procedures and programs; develop and maintain effective communications withmembers; ensure a successful and ongoing recruiting and retention membership program;represent the interests of members before legislative and regulatory bodies; and analyzethe most advantageous structure and location for association operation (currently locatednear Columbus, Ohio).   Need minimum of 6-10 years senior management andassociation management experience; undergraduate degree in business preferred;demonstrated record of effective leadership and management; vision to identify futureopportunities/challenges and the analytical skills and initiative to turn them to theadvantage of the organization; and communications skills to reach out to membership andvarying offices of the government.  Search by Jan Cope, J. Naylor Cope Company, P.O.Box 40069, Washington, DC 20016.

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