The National Emergency Number Association

The National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA)sponsored the first three national 9-1-1 meetings in an effort to create industryawareness of 9-1-1 and collect information on emergency number systems currently in use.In 1982, the National Emergency Number Association, a not-for-profit corporation, wasfounded as a result of these national meetings and to further the goal of “OneNation, One Number.” NENA has experienced tremendous growth within a short time. Itsmembership tops 6,700 and continues to climb with new chapters joining our present 45chapter network.

NENA conducts a four-day national educational conference and tradeshow each June, attended by more than 2,200 professionals from the 9-1-1 community.

The NENA News is the association s quarterly magazine,covering many of the issues affecting 9-1-1, from the logistics of equipment to dispatchertraining. The NENA News is the only national publication truly dedicated to the9-1-1 industry. In addition, NENA offers Connections, a quarterly newsletterdevoted to regional information.

NENA’s Mission

NENA’s Mission is to foster the technological advancement ,availability and implementation of a universal emergency telephone number system. Incarrying out its mission, NENA promotes research, planning, training and education. Theprotection of human life, the preservation of property, and the maintenance of generalcommunity security are among NENA’s objectives.