Network Committee – Study Groups

Network Technical Committee

Each of the subcommittees operates several Study Groups. The Study Groups and their respective missions are as follows:

Network Study Groups Wireless Study Groups
Future Network Model
ISDN Joint
Alternative Technology
Satellite Phones
Wireless Location
Generic Trunking
Enhanced MF Signaling
Generic Trunking
Enhanced MF Signaling
TR 45.2 Interface

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Future Network Model Study Group

Much has been said and written about what 9-1-1 networks may look like in five to ten years. We know we want to use ISDN, SS7, AIN, etc., to support new and better 9-1-1 networks, but no end-state model exists to use as a guide. This Study Group will build that model.


Inter-Networking Study Group

The world continues to shrink, causing 9-1-1 networks to become smaller and smaller islands, incapable of communicating with each other. Wireless communications networks, especially satellite based, and number portability are driving the need to communicate across 9-1-1 networks, across state borders, even across the country. This group is examining the issues and possible techniques for routing and transferring 9-1-1 calls between networks.


ISDN Joint Study Group

This group contains members from both the Network and CPE Committees and was formed at Telco/Vendor. They are addressing the issues associated with deploying ISDN between the selective routing tandem and the PSAP, from both the tandem and CPE perspectives. This group will ultimately issue the ISDN standards recommendation.


Database-Network-ALEC Joint Study Group

The “DNA” group, newly formed since Telco/Vendor, is bringing together all the issues associated with integrating alternative local exchange carriers into 9-1-1 networks. This “soup-to-nuts” approach will address everything required to interconnect ALECs with 9-1-1; from network trunking and survivability, to number portability, to NPA-NXX assignments and splits, to routing criteria, to record input, administration and reconciliation.


Alternative Technology Study Group

This new group will examine the application of new, alternative technologies to replace those in use today. For example, frame relay service may be a suitable replacement for the dedicated, low speed ALI data links used today. This group will search out and examine those possibilities.



Satellite Study Group

Satellite telecommunications poses unique challenges for 9-1-1 interconnection, due to the huge serving areas associated with satellite systems. The study group is addressing the special needs of satellite systems, which include trunking and routing requirements, location identification and delivery, and serious inter-networking needs.


Wireless Location Study Group

This is a joint study group, including members of the Network and Database Committees. This group is addressing the issues associated with delivering the location of a wireless 9-1-1 caller: What elements are required; what form those elements will take; in what sequence will they be delivered; which elements relate to actual location vs management of the location system; which are delivered to the PSAP and which are stored for administrative reporting purposes.


Generic Trunking Requirements

Working as a single unit, the NTC will be publishing a document addressing generic 9-1-1 trunking requirements. This document, aimed at all carriers, ILEC, ALEC and wireless alike, will establish the requirement for direct trunking (with diversity) from all carriers? switches to 9-1-1 selective routing tandems. This standard will support positions already taken by the NTC with organizations like TIA and Bellcore with regard to the need for dedicated, direct 9-1-1 trunking.


Enhanced MF Signaling Standard

The NTC Wireless and Network subcommittees, working as a single team, have completed work on an enhanced multi-frequency signaling protocol standard that delivers 10 digit ANI to the PSAP (which removes the limitation of four area codes) plus 20 digit ANI (required to comply with FCC 96-264, Phase 1 Wireless). This protocol, based on the Feature Group D signaling protocol originally developed for equal access, has already been adopted by Bellcore and is being implemented by the major CPE manufacturers. The first application of the new standard is currently underway for the New Jersey 9-1-1 Network. The document will be going through the NENA Standards approval process in June.


TR 45.2 Interface

The NTC continues to work closely with TIA TR 45.2 on the development of standards for wireless interoperability as mandated by FCC 96-264. The Committee provided input to the Phase I package and is providing input on Phase II development. At the Telco/Vendor Conference, at TR 45.2?s request, the Wireless Track reviewed and updated the public safety requirements spelled out in the October 1994 Joint Experts Meeting (JEM) Report. The revised document is being submitted to TR 45.2 for their consideration.