Accessibility Committee


The TDD/TTY Accessibility Checklist can beused as a tool in the self evaluation process required of all agencies. Developedoriginally to assist agencies in Texas, this document incorporates requirements foundwithin the ADA and common areas found within settlement agreements. Once you havecompleted the checklist, you will have a better idea of areas that may need furtherattention. Established operating procedures and a comprehensive training program are keyto a successful emergency response system. It also reflects the agency’? commitmentto the protection of lives and property in the community it serves. It is recommended thatyou maintain documentation of your evaluation process. And if, at some time, your agencyis contacted by Justice, you will have answers readily available.

HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT: Thefollowing is provided as a sample of questions that should be asked in a self analysis ofyour 9-1-1 system and services. The more questions that are answered “yes”, themore likely the department will provide meaningful telephone emergency response service tothose using TDD/TTY?s. If “no”, you may want to consider taking action anddocumenting a timeline.


Have the current services, policies, andpractices, and the effects thereof, that do not or may not meet the requirements, beenevaluated and the extent modification of any such services, policies, and practices isrequired, made necessary modification?

Has the opportunity been provided tointerested persons, including individuals with disabilities or organizations representingindividuals with disabilities participated in the self-evaluation process by submittingcomments?

Has the public entity made available toapplicants, participants, beneficiaries, and other interested persons informationregarding the provisions of this part and its applicability to the services, programs, oractivities of the public entity, and made such information available to them in such amanner as the head of the entity finds necessary to apprise such persons of theprotections against discrimination assured to them by the ADA?

Does the entity that employs 50 or morepersons have a published grievance procedure providing for prompt and equitable resolutionof complaints alleging any action that would be prohibited by the ADA.


Does the telephone emergency response systemprovide the same level of service, i.e. Automatic Number Identification (ANI) andAutomatic Location Identification (ALI), to all citizens, including those who call with aTDD/TTY?

In the event of individual line or systemfailure, is an alternative method of receiving emergency calls accessible to TDD/TTYcallers?

Are all consoles that are available forreceiving emergency calls equipped with TDD/TTY accessible equipment?

Is redundancy in the 9-1-1 equipment providedfor? If the answer to the previous question is yes, are TDD/TTY accessible equipmentincluded in the redundancy plan?

Does the equipment and method used to transferemergency calls to other emergency services provide for accessibility with TDD/TTYs?

If your system utilizes automatic calldistribution and includes an automatic recording to the citizen who may be put into aqueue until there is an available telecommunicator, does the recording include a TDD/TTYrecorded message?

Do equipment upgrade or expansion plansinclude TDD/TTY accessibility?

Does the recording equipment (which recordsincoming emergency lines) include recording the point of answer for TDD/TTY?s?

Are the TDD/TTY?s located where the calltaker can switch from voice mode of communication to TDD/TTY without causing delay inanswer time?

Can VCO (voice carry-over) and HCO (hearingcarry-over) calls be handled with the current system?

If the TDD/TTY equipment has preprogrammedmessages, have persons with hearing impairment been consulted regarding the appropriatelanguage for TDD/TTY users?

Has the center explored the feasibility of orhave TDD/TTY detection equipment installed?

Does the communications system have thecapability to provide TDD/TTY access to alternative non-emergency numbers?

Can the call taker make a call back using aTDD/TTY?

Do you have a maintenance plan for the TDD/TTYequipment and procedures (including documentation) for such?


Has your agency developed and implementedStandard Operating Procedures(SOPs) for responding to TDD/TTY calls?

Have SOPs been written for TDD/TTY callhandling and disseminated to call-taking personnel?

Do secondary PSAPs have the capability toanswer TDD/TTY calls?

Is the standard time for answering voice callscomparable to that for TDD/TTY calls?

Do the call-back procedures includecontingencies for reaching a citizen who uses a TDD/TTY?

Does the center keep entries or statistics ofTDD/TTY calls?

Are there procedures for handlingTelecommunication Relay Services (TRS) calls?

Has the agency developed and incorporatedeffective methods for transferring TDD/TTY calls to the fire department or EMS? (note:only applicable if voice calls are handled this way.)

Has the agency developed and implemented SOPsfor processing silent open-line calls? Does the call taker interrogate the line for apossible TDD/TTY call? (see Title II Technical Assistance Manual)

Is there a program in place to test theTDD/TTY with the overall system?


Are there minimum TDD/TTY trainingrequirements for telecommunicators?

Does the agency provide a comprehensiveTDD/TTY training program for all call takers? (note: thisincludes???????.)

Are refresher classes provided at a minimum ofevery 6 months?

Is someone assigned to follow technologicaldevelopment through the various public safety associations and add these innovations intothe training regiment?


Have members of the disability community beenconsulted in the self-evaluation process, including the creation of standard operatingprocedures and the development of training.

Has a public awareness program been developedand implemented, to notify citizens using TDD/TTYs of the department?s accessibilityand services?

Does the local telephone directory indicatedirect access to telephone emergency services for TDD/TTY users? (DOJ has providedapproved language)

* the Americans with Disabilities Act:P.L.101-336, Title II, Section 35.162

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