Gojo wins the StantonAward

On this page:

  • Jim Flaherty’spassing
  • New Jersey NENA’s 9-1-1Heroes
  • Dispatchers Save a Life inPerson
  • Links
  • Gojo AwardCongratulations to NJ-NENACommercial Vice President Bob Gojanovich on winning the 2003 William E. StantonAward, which is bestowed upon an individual who not only excelled in his or hereveryday job but who has gone above and beyond to further the goals of theNational Emergency Number Association (NENA). The Award, which debuted in 1999at the NENA Annual Conference, is named for the first recipient and long-timeexecutive director of NENA. The William E. Stanton Award is a LifetimeAchievement award and replaces the previous NENA 9-1-1 Service Awards.

    Gojo was presented his award by NENA President Richard Taylor at the2003 Conference held in Denver, Colorado. He retired last summer after 31 yearswith Verizon and now works as a consultant for iXP Corp.

    NJ-NENA Mourns the passingof Jim Flaherty

    James P. Flaherty, the former Director of theGloucester County Communications Center, died January 16, 2003 in what familymembers believe was due to a battle with diabetes which spanned more than halfof his life. Jim died on a train bound for his home in Florida. He was 50.

    Jim was a lifelong member of the Whitman SquareFire Co. and was a former Class 2 Special Police officer in WashingtonTownship. He also served as South Region Vice President of NJ-NENA until hisretirement in 2001.

    William Flaherty said his brother had battleddiabetes since he was 21. He was injured in a car accident which hospitalizedhim for three months, forcing him to walk with a cane. “He was a veryactive person,” William Flaherty said. He started his career as adispatcher in Washington Township and later became one of the first countydispatchers.

    He was real good withdispatching,” William Flaherty said. “He put his heart andsoul in the center. He wanted it to be the best communications centers in thestate and in the country. He was dedicated to them and he really enjoyed doingwhat he did.”

    Jim was the son of Philip J. Flaherty Sr. andJoan Fitzsimmons. He is also survived by an older brother, Philip J. Jr., hisgrandmother, Lydia Lingle, and three nephews, William, David and JessicaFlaherty. The family requests that memorial donations in Jim’s memory be madeto the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation,South Jersey Chapter, 1415 Route 70 E, Cherry Hill, N.J. 08002.

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    Dispatchers Savea Life in Person

    CPR SaveTeamwork has always been animportant factor in the daily life of the 9-1-1 Operators inHunterdon County. OnSunday, September 15, 2002 teamwork was taken to another level. At the changeof shift at 7:00 AM, this day would start much differently than those in thepast.

    At 7:03 AM a man knocked on the front door onthe 9-1-1 Communications Center in the Cherryville section of FranklinTownship. The man excitedly explained that a female friend in his vehicle washaving respiratory distress and was now unconscious. Senior Public SafetyTelecommunicator Arthur Stier assessed the situation and coordinated a quickresponse. 9-1-1 Operators Bill Powell and Jason Slaughter (pictured) left theirposts to administer Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the AutomatedExternal Defibrillator (AED).

    Operators Gretchen Umgelter and Stefanie Kenneydispatched the Quakertown Volunteer Emergency Medical Service, HunterdonMedical Center?s MICU and police officers to the Communications Center.These operators also picked up the extra positions vacated by the rescuers.

    Outside the race was on to save the life of the25-year old female. Operators Slaughter and Powell worked feverishly to restorethe victims pulses and respiratory function. They were joined by Operator FrankVeneziale, who had just left after working a midnight shift to assist in theresuscitation efforts.

    Members from the Quakertown Volunteer EmergencyMedical Service, Hunterdon Medical Center?s MICU (paramedic unit),Franklin Township Patrolmen John Oliveira and Tim Snyder, and Raritan TownshipPatrolman Peter Serrone responded to the Communications Center and each playedand important role in the saving of the young woman.

    In addition to those listed above, we wouldlike to commend the Hunterdon County Board of Chosen Freeholders for theirinsight into bringing the Public Access Defibrillation Program to the Countyfacilities and the residents that they serve.

    Teamwork has always been an importantfunction for success of any endeavor and this shows how essential teamworktruly is.

    CPR SaveThe operatorswere honored by the Board of Freeholders at their meeting on October 22, 2002.They were presented with plaques, CPR Save pins and patches.

    Left to Right: Operators Frank Veneziale, Jason Slaughter,Gretchen Umgelter, Stefanie Kenney, Art Stier, Bill Powell, Vanessa Spears (thevictim) and Freeholder Frank Fuzo.

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    New Jersey NENA’s 9-1-1Heroes

    Josh & Bonnie911fk1st Vice President Bonnie Hueg presented NJ-NENA’sfirst 9-1-1 HeroAward to Josh Hixon, an 11-year old Salem County resident who made theright call when his mother was kicked in the chest by a horse.

    While tending their horses, TammyHixon was kicked in the chest. Josh quickly ran into the house and dialed9-1-1. He attempted to bring the cordless phone to where his mother lay injuredbut realized that he was out of range for the base and moved closer to thehouse to answer the call taker’s questions. Emergency medical assistance wassent and Mrs. Hixon is doing well.

    {short description of image}In recognition of his timely and appropriateactions in this emergency, Josh was presented with a certificate ofrecognition, a 9-1-1 Hero medal and 9-1-1 Hero tee shirt by NJ-NENA VicePresident Bonnie J. Hueg. Salem County Freeholder Director Dave Sparkspresented Josh with the Salem County Three Cheers Award and Salem CountyDepartment of Emergency Services’s 9-1-1 for Kids Coordinator Dee Greenpresented him with a Red E. Fox certificate and medal. The ceremony took placeat the Pittsgrove Boro Committee Meeting on July 18, 2002.

    Coloring BookMr. Hixon reported that Josh had been active in a police cadetprogram and learned about 9-1-1 in school. Also present at the ceremony wereJosh’s younger brother and sister who were presented with State of New Jersey9-1-1 coloringbooks so they could learn about 9-1-1 and follow in their big brother’sfootsteps.

    NJ-NENA’s two 2003 9-1-1 Heroes were honored and presented with medals,t-shirts and plaques at the 2003 conference. Laila Parhizharan and Natasha Rasekhi “made theright call” when Laila’s mother had her arm trapped between a garage doorand the back door of their van, lifting her off the ground. The girls placed achair under her and called 9-1-1 immediately. Officer Frank Saraceni of theRiver Vale Police Department nominated the girls for this award.

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