NJ-NENA 2002

AnnualSpring Conference


New Jersey NENA held its Annual SpringConference April 15 and 16 at the Hanover Marriott in Whippany, New Jersey. Theconference drew 170 public safety communications professionals from around thestate. The guests were able to visit 24 vendor displays during dedicated vendorhours and breaks in the conference program. This conference also serves as theAnnual Chapter Meeting.

John Crabill, the Northeastern Regional VicePresident and NENA Executive Board member updated the group on activities ofthe National Office. The results of the election of NJ-NENA Chapter Officerswere announced. The new officers were sworn in by outgoing Chapter President,Edward Bruder.

The response to the events of September 11,2001 from the telecommunication point of view was the topic of two of theprogram presentations. Craig Brewster and Rick Jilleba of Verizon NetworkOperations covered the efforts involved to restore the telephone and cellularcommunications services destroyed on that day. Jim Nestor, Director of the NewJersey State Police Critical Incident Stress Program spoke about the importanceof including the PSAP personnel in debriefing sessions. His office wasresponsible for conducting sessions for the many NJSP telecommunicators whoreceived cellular 9-1-1 calls from persons trapped in the World Trade Centerbuildings on September 11.

The conference program also provided attendeeswith a look ahead at future technologies that may further enhance emergencyresponse capabilities. Leon Malinoski from Plant Equipment, the Conference Title Sponsor,provided a look ahead at the technologies that will allow for betterintegration of the many information sources used in today’s PSAPs. Alan Kiteyof the ComCARE Alliance and Jeff Robertson of CML Emergency Services alsoreviewed future technologies.

A presentation by Craig Reiner, Director of theNew Jersey 9-1-1 Office, and Robert Gojanovich, Director of Verizon 9-1-1operations in New Jersey gave the attendees an overview of upcoming changes toNew Jersey’s Statewide Enhanced 9-1-1 Network as well as work underway todesign the next network. The attendees were also able to meet with their peersand compare notes while enjoying the great food offered at the breakfast andlunch buffets.

{short description of image}Following lunch on the secondday, business cards were drawn for prizes donated by several vendors includinga mountain bike donated by L. Robert Kimball and Associates which was deliveredto the lucky recipient by incoming NJ-NENA president Paul Einreinhofer whoskillfully rode the bike into the meeting room.

Now is time to begin planning for next year’sconference so watch for the announcement in next year’s NENA Connections and onthis website – we hope to see visitors joining us from the Chapters in ourneighboring states. All are welcome!

A special thanks to our Title Sponsor, Plant Equipment, Inc. and our MajorSponsors, CML EmergencyServices, RCC Consultants, Inc.,Verizon andZetron. Please visit the link to their websites.

2002 Exhibitors

  • PlantEquipment, Inc.
  • CML EmergencyServices
  • RCC Consultants,Inc.
  • Verizon
  • Zetron
  • AAT Communications Systems
  • Air Technology
  • Communications MarketingAssociates
  • CritiCall
  • Dictaphone
  • EmergiTech, Inc.
  • Eventide
  • InterAct Public Safety Systems
  • KML Technology, Inc.
  • L. Robert Kimball & Associates
  • LogiSYS Logistic Systems,Inc.
  • Micro Strategies, Inc.
  • New Jersey Office ofEmergency Telecommunications Services
  • Office Business Systems, Inc.
  • Positron
  • Queues Enforth Development, Inc.
  • Voice PrintInternational, Inc.
  • XTEND Communications
  • PSE&G

    A special thanks toPublic ServiceElectric & Gas for their support.


    Thanks to all of the exhibitorslisted above for supporting us this year. If your company is interested inbeing part of next year’s conference, please contact Exhibit CoordinatorForrest Eichmann at 856-769-2278 or e-mail him at[email protected] and he will put you onthe 2003 contact list.