2007 9-1-1 Goes to Washington

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2007 9-1-1 Goes to Washington

Conference Brochure

Adobe Acrobat PDF file 9-1-1 Goes to Washington Brochure

Mail/Fax Registration Form

Adobe Acrobat PDF file 9-1-1 Goes to Washington Registration Form

Sponsor Information

Adobe Acrobat PDF file 9-1-1 Goes to Washington Gala Information

Online Registration

Register here!

Streaming Media

National Capital Region Video

March 12-14, 2007 – Crystal City, VA

Know the Issues. Learn the Process. Make a Difference.

Join us in Washington, D.C. for this dynamic, hands-on program. You’ll receive:

  • Critical knowledge of current and pressing 9-1-1, homeland security, and emergency communications legislation, regulations and initiatives.

  • The inside information you need to understand how legislation and regultions are created, funded and implemented – and how you can affect the process.

  • Specific tools and guidance on how you can most effectively advocate your positions to your representatives, congressional staff, and other national policy makers.

Presented jointly by NENA and the E9-1-1 Institute, 9-1-1 Goes to Washington is a unique forum that captures the resources and leadership required to better serve your community as we work to modernize and improve our nation’s 9-1-1 system.

2007 Sponsors



Why Come to Washington?

  • Be a participant, not a spectator by helping create the national 9-1-1 agenda. Let Congress hear loud and clear the “Voice of  9-1-1.
  • Learn and share information on emerging 9-1-1 issues with national policy leaders and 9-1-1 professionals from across North America 
  • March the Halls of Congress with fellow 9-1-1 leaders to advance a national 9-1-1 agenda and to promote pressing local and state issues from your area
  • Join the Co-Chairs of the E9-1-1 Caucus and honor your colleagues for their leadership at the 4th Annual 9-1-1 Honor Awards Gala featuring special guest Tim Brown,former Oakland Raider, and National Chairman of 9-1-1 for Kids 
  • Enjoy the sights and activities in historic Washington, D.C.