NENA – Texas Chapter Board

NENA – Texas Chapter Board
1998-99 Central Region Coordinator
Tammy Conrad

Hi, I?m Tammy Conrad from Deep in the Hrtstar.wmf (628 bytes) of Texas! (That was my daughter?s favorite song when she was little). Anyway, to give you a little bit of background – I am currently the Director of Regional Services for the Heart of Texas Council of Governments in Waco, Texas. How I got here was a real trip! My background is in real estate, agriculture and state government (really relates to 9-1-1, huh?). In 1992, I was fortunate to find a man who decided that he liked me and wanted to spend a little time with me (you know – a lifetime!); however, he said I had to move to Clifton, Texas. So I said “OK”, we married in 1993, and I came a lookin? for a job at good ole HOTCOG in the winter of 1993 (sounds like an old timers tale). Well, they hired me to fill their database manager?s position first. I thought that was probably safe because Elaine Lewin (the director at the time) knew what she was doing and I figured I could learn all I needed to know about the job from her. Well, guess what?!! She left me after six months and I was appointed as the 9-1-1 Director. Scared me speechless (for those of you who know me, that was like hell freezing over). However, I found out that there are lots of great 9-1-1 folks in this state who were more than willing to help me limp along and learn about this great program. (Lots of good people in this business!) Since that time, I?ve been given the responsibility of being the Director of Regional Services which includes grant programs in 9-1-1, Solid Waste, Community Development, Criminal Justice, the Texas Review and Comment System, and census single point of contact for the HOTCOG region. Whew! It keeps me busy.

When I?m not working, I spend time with that guy who brought me to central Texas in the first place, his name is Scott and I have a daughter named Jami. We live on 15 acres and recently built a house (which is a whole other story!). Scott?s family owns a feed store which is open six days a week and keeps him on the move. We spend time during the week and on weekends going to girl?s softball games (Jami is on a team of 8-9-10 year olds), working cattle (we have about 30 cows), hauling hay, harvesting wheat, playing in church league softball games, yelling at our dog who digs up our newly planted yard as fast as we put it in, going to church (I?m the treasurer), jazzercising (that?s just me), visiting family and friends (they?re scattered all over Texas), and occasionally watching HGTV and the Weather Channel (this is Scott?s addiction).

As for my role as the Central Coordinator, I plan to spend time getting know those of you in my area and find out what programs you have implemented in your respective regions. I will be calling on you from time to time to give me an update on your activities for the newsletter as well as informing other 9-1-1 coordinators of new and innovative ways of educating and training the public and those folks answering 9-1-1 calls. I hope we can bring more educational opportunities to Texas through providing NENA courses at conferences and different locations throughout the year. I am excited about my new role and look forward to working with you this next year.

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