Lending Library

Texas Chapter Lending Library

The NENA – Texas Lending Library is open to allmembers. To check out materials simply contact “theLibrary Attendant” via the Communications Committee for a “Lending Library Agreement Form“. The form will be sentto you via fax or email along with a copy of the Lending Library policy and procedures.

Complete and return the form to the Library Attendant indicating which materials you would liketo check-out. You will be advised on the status of the materials – in use, available, etc.and an expected ship date.

Following is a brief listing of items available:

  • APCO?s Negativityin the Workplace
  • Conference audio tapes

Donations to this library are

Contributions appreciated. If you are Contributions appreciated.  If you are interested in donating material or want more information about the library, contact the Communications Committee.

Home Lending Library Library Procedures Library Agreement Form