Company ID Registration Form

NENA Online Company ID Registration Form

Please fill out ALL fields.

Update to existing CID
Company Identifier (5 characters Alpha/Numeric – minimum 3 characters) 
Physical Address:

Company Name

Street Address

Street Address 2



Zip Code

Invoicing/Mailing Address (If different from above address):

Company Name


Address 2

  State   Zip Code

Invoicing/Billing Contact Name

Invoicing/Billing Contact Telephone Number

Invoicing/Billing Email
24 Hour x 7 Day Telephone Number
Access number for Safety Agencies to contact switching carrier

Area Supported by service 
2-character state names, or other

Type of Local Service (Please select all that apply. Press and hold CTRL key for multiple selections.)
        If other, please identify:
# of Access Lines/Subscribers

OCNs Completed only by dial tone providers; NOT PS911 or VoIP
Administrative Contact Information

This is a non-emergency contact for the CID database content. This person is responsible for accuracy and at a minimum check and verify content quarterly.

Admin Contact Name

Admin Contact Title

Admin Contact Telephone Number

Admin Contact Fax Number

Admin Contact Email Address:

Submitter Contact Information

Submitter’s Name:

Submitter’s Title

Submitter’s Telephone Number

Submitter’s Email: (Your Email)



   Click here ONCE when finished.
   Click here to clear and reset the form.