ENP Certification Information


ENP Certification Information

If you are interested in becoming an ENP, please download the Application Handbook and the ENP Study Guide and fax or mail both the Eligibility Application for ENP Certification and the Testing Center Application to NENA Headquarters at the location below.

4350 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 750
Arlington, VA  22203-1695 

Phone: 800-332-3911
Fax:      703-812-4675

You may also order an ENP Reference Manual by completing the form and faxing or mailing it to the location above.

You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 4.0 or higher) to view and print the PDF forms.  You can download this small program free at www.adobe.com  Look for the yellow “Get Acrobat Reader” button.  If you have difficulty viewing a file please contact Caitlin Dennehy at NENA Headquarters and she will be happy to send you a copy via e-mail or US mail.