NATIONAL EMERGENCY NUMBER ASSOCIATION National Resource Center PROJECT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF NATIONAL PUBLIC-SAFETYTELECOMMUNICATOR TRAINING STANDARDS National Survey 1. For the State of: Wyoming a) Contact Person: Don Pierson, Director b) Name : Wyoming POST Commission c) Address : 1710 Pacific Avenue Cheyenne, WY 82002 d) Phone: (307) 777-7718 e) Fax: (307) 638-9706 2. Does …

States with Standards

NRC – TelcommunicatorStandards and Training Summary of Question #26 How long after passage of legislation, did agencies have to bein compliance with the telecommunicator training requirements?(As of April, 1996)  State Time Frame  1. California  Optional Program  2. Connecticut  1 year  3. Georgia  1 year  4. Idaho  N/A  5. Kentucky unknown  6. Maryland  unknown  7. Massachusetts …

States with Standards

NRC – TelcommunicatorStandards and Training Summary of Question #24 If a test is required for certification what percentage orscore constitutes a passing grade(As of April, 1996)  State Score  1. California Dertermined by Instructor  2. Connecticut  70%  3. Georgia  unknown  4. Idaho 75%   5. Kentucky unknown  6. Maryland  unknown  7. Massachusetts  90%  8. Mississippi  70%  9. …

States with Standards

NRC – TelcommunicatorStandards and Training Summary of Question #2 What states have minimum telecommunicator training standards(As of April, 1996) States with Standards  Active Planning No Activity 1. Califonia 1. Alabama 1. Alaska 2. Connecticut 2. Arizona 2. Delaware 3. Georgia 3. Arkansas  3. Hawaii  4. Idaho 4. Colorado  4. Kansas  5. Illimois 5. Florida   5. …