Choking wireless calls

[wireless/_private/disc5_ahdr.htm] Choking wireless calls From: [email protected]Date: 05 Feb 1998Time: 14:07:31Remote Name: Comments Today we choke wireline 911 calls at the end offices. What’sthe best method to choke wireLESS 911 calls to keep them fromoccupying all the PSAP trunks and blocking wireLINE calls. [wireless/_private/disc5_aftr.htm]

Re: Choking wireless calls

[wireless/_private/disc5_ahdr.htm] Re: Choking wireless calls From: Charlie Van ZandtDate: 14 Feb 1998Time: 15:13:26Remote Name: Comments During the busy hour 911 calls are probably being effectivelychoked by the lack of available channels between the cell and theMSC. Flow control (sounds better than choking) is always best bedone at the cell site level. This could be …

Wireless TOC (Framed)

CONTENTS Choking wireless calls [email protected] 05 Feb 1998 Re: Choking wireless calls Charlie Van Zandt 14 Feb 1998 Wireless 9-1-1 Conference in New Orlean Orlando McDowelle New Orleans 9-1-1 17 Apr 1997

HI Wireless

WIRELESSLEGISLATION FROM THE STATE OF HAWAII HOUSE BILL 2146 A BILL FOR AN ACT RELATING TO EMERGENCYTELEPHONE SERVICE. SECTION 1. Section 269-16.95,Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) toread as follows: “(a) A public utilityproviding local exchange telecommunications services shallbe permitted to MAY recover the capital cost andassociated operating expenses for the first …

CT Wireless

WIRELESSLEGISLATION FOR THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT STATE OFCONNECTICUTREGULATION OFDEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETYCONCERNING SUBJECT MATTER OF REGULATIONSCONNECTICUTENHANCED 911 TELECOMMUNICATIONS FUND REGULATIONS Section 1. The regulations ofConnecticut State Agencies are amended by adding Sections 28-24-1to 28-24-11, inclusive, as follows: (NEW) Sec. 28-24-1 Definitions (a) Those definitions set forth inSections 28-25 and 28-30 of the Connecticut General Statutesshall …

GA Wireless

Entered NRC 4/21/97 WIRELESS LEGISLATION FOR THESTATE OF GEORGIA GEORGIA 144TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY– 1997-98 REGULAR SESSION SENATE RESOLUTION 53 A RESOLUTION Creating the Senate 911 Systems Funding StudyCommittee; and for other purposes. WHEREAS, governments currently provide 911service through the assessment and collection of charges onland-line telephones; and WHEREAS, wireless, cellular telephones are notsubject to 911 …