Provisioning & Maintenance of MSAG Files to VDBs and ERDBs

Date added: Mar 5 – 01:25 pm Document Information Full name:  Data Standards for the Provisioning and Maintenance of MSAG Files to VDBs and ERDBs Document type:  Standard Standard number:  02-013 v3 Document description:  Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is poised to become the predominant technology used in the telecommunications industry. As the public adopts …

VoIP 9-1-1 Deployment and Operational Guidelines

Mar 5 – 11:00 pm — John Ellison Document Information Full name:  VoIP E9-1-1 Deployment and Operational Guidelines Operational Information Document Document type:  Informational Standard number:  56-504 Document description:  This document has been developed as a best practice for the deployment of VoIP E9-1-1 service. As such, its primary goal is to set expectations and …