Integrating Applications on Intelligent Workstations

Document Information Full name:  Integrating Applications on Intelligent Workstations Technical Information Document Document type:  Informational Standard number:  04-501 v1 Document description:  The emergence of intelligent workstations and multitasking operating systems has allowed the integration 0f multiple applications that had previously appeared on separate platforms. Integrating these applications on one workstation can provide a higher level …

SS7 Guidelines

Document Information Full name:  SS7 Guidelines for Wireline and VoIP Emergency Services GatewayInterconnection to 9-1-1 Selective Routers Technical Information Document Document type:  Informational Standard number:  03-503 v1 Document description:  This document is a guide to orient the SS7 translation engineer/technician on the nature of translations required in the SS7 messaging between the E9-1-1 Selective Router …

ESCO Code Selection

Document Information Full name:  NENA Standard for Emergency Service Central Office (ESCO) Code Selection, Assignment and Display Management Document type:  Standard Standard number:  03-007 v1 Document description:  This NENA Recommended Standard for Emergency Service Central Office (ESCO) Code Selection, Assignment and Display Management discusses the Emergency Service Central Office (ESCO) code specifications as it relates …

CPE Site Characteristics

Document Information Full name:  E9-1-1 PSAP CPE Site Characteristics Technical Information Document Document type:  Informational Standard number:  04-502 v1 Document description:  This Technical Information Document is a guide for PSAP managers and for the designers, manufacturers and installers of PSAP CPE (Customer Premises Equipment). It identifies the required and desirable characteristics of the PSAP facilities …

Rate Center Consolidation

Document Information Full name:  Technical Information Document on Rate Center Consolidation Document type:  Informational Standard number:  03-505 v1 Document description:  This document is a guide for E9-1-1 Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and Regulatory Agencies in determining a rate center consolidation configuration that minimizes the impact of E9-1-1 call delivery in a failure condition. Specifically, this …

Interim VoIP Architecture (i2)

Document Information Full name:  Interim VoIP Architecture for Enhanced 9-1-1 Services (i2) Document type:  Standard Standard number:  08-001 v2 Document description:  Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is poised to become the predominant technology used in the telecommunications industry. As the public adopts VoIP, E9-1-1 calls will increasingly originate from VoIP users. Some VoIP telecommunications service …

Data Formats for ALI, MSAG & GIS

Document Information Full name:  Standard Data Formats For ALI Related Data Exchange, MSAG & GIS Document type:  Standard Standard number:  02-010 v9 Document description:  This document sets forth NENA standard formats for Automatic Location Identification (ALI) related data exchange between Service Providers and Data Base Management System Providers, a GIS data model, a Data Dictionary, …


Free Webinar – NPRM Explained: The FCC’s Recent Action to Enable NG9-1-1 Posted: Oct 5 – 03:18 pm This FREE, one-hour webinar, taking place on Thursday, October 13 at 1:30PM Eastern, will feature officials from the FCC’s Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau. Along with NENA Director of Government Affairs Trey Forgety, Patrick Donovan and …

MLTS Model Legislation

MLTS Model Legislation Date added: Mar 3 – 04:54 pm Document description:  Recent technology innovations have made it important to update the MLTS Model Legislation recommended in 2000.  The following revised Policy document reflects changes in IP technology; Implementation & Testing; Training and the use of building code Fire Zones to facilitate the creation of …


Master Glossary Aug 30 – 08:56 pm — Delaine Arnold Document description:  The NENA Master Glossary is a guide for readers of NENA publications and a tool for members of the NENA committees that prepare them. It defines the terms, acronyms and definitions associated with the 9-1-1 industry. Intended users of this document are any person …