SS7 Guidelines for MSC to Selective Router Connectivity

Document Information Full name:  NENA Technical Information Document – SS7 Guidelines for MSC to Selective Router Connectivity Document type:  Informational Standard number:  05-501 v1 Document description:  This document is a guide to orient the SS7 translation engineer/technician on the nature of 9-1-1 Mobile Switching Center (MSC) to SR translations. It is not in the scope …

XML Namespaces

Document Information Full name:  NENA Technical Information Document on XML Namespaces Document type:  Informational Standard number:  02-503 v1 Document description:  This document dedicated to namespaces as used in XML technologies. It is intended to provide a non technical introduction to the concept of namespace and a relatively complete overview of the specific characteristics of XML …

Non-Traditional Communications to PSAP Equipment

Document Information Full name:  Non-Traditional Communications to E9-1-1 PSAP Equipment Document type:  Informational Standard number:  07-502 v1 Document description:  This document will identify, define, discuss and offer potential solutions or alternatives to interfaces required to bring non-traditional sources of information into Enhanced 9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)(?). Traditional 9-1-1 signaling has been exclusively a …

Organization & Document Approval Processes

Document Information Full name:  Technical Committee Organizational Structure and Document Development & Approval Processes Document type:  Standard Standard number:  01-001 v4.1 Document description:  This document is written for NENA Technical Committee leadership and members. A requirement for participating in the Technical Committee process is to adhere to all procedures outlined in this document. As “The …

E9-1-1 Functional Entity Model

Document Information Full name:  NENA Standard for E9-1-1 Functional Entity Model Document type:  Standard Standard number:  03-004 v2 Document description:  Recent changes in telephony technology along with corresponding changes in the regulatory environment with respect to E9-1-1 Service are impacting the service architectures being defined for E9-1-1 Services. Support of Wireless Phase II and NENA …

Wireless ALI Data Content

Document Information Full name:  NENA Wireless (Pre-XML) Static and Dynamic ALI Data Content Technical Information Document Document type:  Informational Standard number:  02-501 v1 Document description:  There has been a growing concern, among public safety administrators in various states and other interested parties, about the increasing degree of inconsistency in the use of specific E9-1-1 data …

PSAP Intelligent Workstation

Document Information Full name:  NENA Recommended Generic Standards for E9-1-1 PSAP Intelligent Workstations Document type:  Standard Standard number:  04-004 v1 Document description:  This NENA Technical Reference NENA-04-004 defines the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)(?) Intelligent Workstation (IWS) equipment requirements intended for use by users, manufactures and providers of E9-1-1 Customer Premise Equipment (CPE). A PSAP …

VoIP Standards Development Organizations (SDOs)

Document Information Full name:  VoIP Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) Technical Information Document Document type:  Informational Standard number:  08-504 v1 Document description:  This “NENA VoIP Standards Development Organizations” is a reference for NENA technical committees to use for determining the various standards setting bodies involved in the implementation and on going development of VoIP protocols and …

Trunking for Private Switch 9-1-1 Service

Document Information Full name:  Trunking for Private Switch 9-1-1 Service Technical Information Document Document type:  Informational Standard number:  03-502 v1 Document description:  This NENA TID defines three distinct alternative trunking configurations to accomplish the provisioning of Private Switch 9-1-1 Service (PS/911) in conjunction with the use of Private Branch Exchange (PBX) telephone systems. For PBX …