The CALNENA Executive Board

CALNENA Executive Board  President JIM ACOSTA Communications Supervisor Downey Fire Department 1222 Paramount Blvd. Downey, CA 90242 (562) 904-7373 Fax (562) 904-7314 1st Vice President MARK SCHROEDER Communications Officer Ventura County Fire Prot. District 165 Durley Avenue Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 389-9710 Fax (805) 388-4364 2nd Vice President JACKIE NOSTAJA Senior Police Safety Dispatcher, City …

Recognizing our Certified Emergency Number Professionals!

CONGRATULATIONS ENP’S Last April, ninety one NENA members across the county successfully completedthe test to become the first Emergency Number Professionals certified byour association. Certification is a tool of a professional association to establish thebenchmarks of performance that will signify a broad-based competence inthe professional field. By successfully completing this certification program,these members have demonstrated …

CALNENA – Update on FCC Docket 94-102

UPDATE ON DOCKET 94-102 Phase I requires 9-1-1 caller ANI and cell sector translation codes bedelivered to the PSAP. Phase II requires location technology which willdisplay the 9-1-1 callers location to within 125 meters. This creates a significant technical challenge. TheState 9-1-1 Program is seeking a statewide solution to implementing eachphase. To meet the requirements …

CALNENA Wireless 9-1-1

Wireless 9-1-1 Everybody is anxiously awaiting word on exactly how the State of Californiawill implelement the requirements contained in FCC Docket 94-102 on wireless9-1-1 services. We have arrived at technical and logisitcal cross roads,with the maturation of cellular telephone networks, the advent of the newpersonal communications networks, deregulation, and the FCC ruling, theway we handle …


Welcome to our web site. We’ve redesigned these pages for 1998. Our hope is to share the latest information about what is happening with 9-1-1 in California. Take a look around for the latest California 9-1-1 news.   CALNENA Conference Pictures The first batch of pictures from this year’s conference are ready and available here. …

Wireless Phone Board

State Wireless Board Election   The wireless bill in the legislature will create a five-member board to oversee the implementation of the FCC rules and distribute the revenue from the access fee to the Communications Districts. The Commercial Mobile Radio Service Emergency Telephone Services Board (The Board) will have two members nominated from the Communications …