Who Should Attend

Who Should Attend? 9-1-1 Executives interested in …. improving management techniques investigating innovative products using cutting-edge technology to improve operations networking with others cost- effective solutions that positively impact the productivity and service of their 9-1-1 operations. Invitation from NENA’s President Keynote Speakers / Entertainment Who Should Attend? Educational Sessions Schedule of Events Trade Show …

Registration Form

NENA Annual Conference June 21 – 25, 1998Registration FormPlease download this form and print or type your information. Pleaseregister just one attendee and guest per form. Attendee Information Name Last _____________________________________________ First __________________________________ (as it should appear on your name badge) NENA Membership Number ____________ First Time Annual Conference Attendee _____ Yes Title _________________________________________________ Agency/Company …

Registration Form

NENA Annual Conference June 21 -25, 1998Registration FormPlease download this form and print or typeyour information. Please register just one attendee and guest perform. Attendee Information     Name Last _____________________________________________ First __________________________________     (as it should appear on your name badge) NENA Membership Number ____________   First Time Annual Conference Attendee _____ Yes …

PSAP Tours

PSAP Tours Hamilton County Department of Communications The Hamilton County Department of Communications is amulti-agency and multi-jurisdictional communication center. Thecenter is responsible for two divisions of county government. ThePublic Safety Communications Division, one of the firstconsolidated systems in the country, was established in 1949. TheTelecommunications Division was formed in 1990. Both divisionsoperate under authority of …

Optional Events

Optional Events Cincinnati Reds BaseballIt’s “Batter up!” with the Cincinnati Reds hosting the Kansas City Royals for this Monday evening game. Cinergy Field is within walking distance of the conference hotels. Order your tickets now, seating is limited.Monday, June 22, 19987:05 p.m. (game begins)$14.00 per person. Blue Box Field Level Seats, only 275 available. Cincinnati …

Cincy Index

Invitation from NENA’s President Keynote Speakers / Entertainment Who Should Attend? Educational Sessions Schedule of Events Trade Show Pre-Conference Courses Tuesday Day Pass Travel Arrangements Optional Tours/Events Cincinnati Reds Baseball PSAP Tours About Cincinnati Housing Information / Housing Form On-line Registration Form On-line NENA 1998 Annual Conference June 21-25, 1998 CLICK HERE FOR EXHIBITOR PRESS …

Keynote Speakers and Entertainment

Keynote Speakers/Entertainment Scott O’Grady “Return With Honor” Scott O’Grady speaks about his incredible true-life struggleto survive in the hostile territory of war-torn Bosnia. ScottO’Grady’s story is an inspirational tale of courage, faith andpatriotism by an American hero. In June of 1995, U.S. Air Force Captain Scott O’Grady washelping enforce the NATO no-fly zone in the …