[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: PSAP – LONG DISTANCE OPERATOR SCAM From: Lynn Casey, ENP Metro Nashville Police Dept[email protected]Date: 13 May 1997Time: 14:55:21Remote Name: Comments I sent you e-mail with a contact person in our center. We gotburned several times on this particular scam. Another one was runon us It involved the capturing ofour voice mail numbers. …

Looking for sample RFPs for logging equipment

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Looking for sample RFPs for logging equipment From: Jay A Loeffler ([email protected])Date: 12 May 1997Time: 16:55:30Remote Name: Comments I would like to obtain sample copies of requests for proposals(RFP) to purchase logging equipment for an emergency dispatchcenter with multiple law enforcement, fire and EMS agencies.Thank you. [general/_private/general_aftr.htm]

Re: 9-1-1 used for other than emergent calls?

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: 9-1-1 used for other than emergent calls? From: Kevin D. Biesecker, Dispatcher, Adams co. PADate: 07 May 1997Time: 22:00:46Remote Name: Comments Bob, Our center does not promote the use of 911 fornon-emergency call. We use four seven digit lines for public useto access us for non-emergency problems. Like….. I found thisdog…or Do …

Re: 9-1-1 used for other than emergent calls?

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: 9-1-1 used for other than emergent calls? From: Lynn.CaseyDate: 07 May 1997Time: 21:24:04Remote Name: Comments Bob, I’m a supervisor at the Metro Nashville PoliceDepartment’s Communications Division. We are also the PSAP forthe whole county.We do not promote the non-emergency use of9-1-1. We have a seven digit non-emergency number. We arecurrently doing a …

Re: Civilian PSAP Directors

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: Civilian PSAP Directors From: Lynn Casey, ENP Metro Nashville PoliceDept/Communications DivDate: 07 May 1997Time: 21:52:28Remote Name: Comments We became civilianized in our Communications division in 1988.We still had a sworn officer as the manager/director for severalyears after that. All of the shift supervisors are careertelecommunicators. The experience time for all our supervisorsexcluding …

Re: Tennessee, Claiborne County may loose 911 Center

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: Tennessee, Claiborne County may loose 911 Center From: Lynn Casey Metro Nashville PoliceDept/Communications DivDate: 07 May 1997Time: 21:43:35Remote Name: Comments Dave, You might contact State Senator Joe Haynes. He is our ECD’slegal representative. He might be able to help you. He is 9-1-1knowledgable. You may have a legislator close to you that …

Who sells MSAG databases?

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Who sells MSAG databases? From: Christine Walker ([email protected])Date: 07 May 1997Time: 16:39:31Remote Name: Comments My company, NEXTLINK, is a CLEC that operates in 5 statestoday, and will be in operation in 10 states by the end of the1997. We are in the process of developing an end-user billingsystem and wish to purchase an …

Tactical Computer Aided Dispatch

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Tactical Computer Aided Dispatch From: Rich Brothers Date: 30 Apr 1997Time: 12:58:51Remote Name: Comments I’m looking for computer aided dispatch software, to be usedprimarily for on-scene resource tracking and incident recording.Right now, my department is looking for software that will handlelaw enforcement incidents for our special response team, but Iwould be interested in …

Public/Press Access to Non 9-1-1 Calls

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Public/Press Access to Non 9-1-1 Calls From: Greg [email protected]Date: 24 Apr 1997Time: 12:43:43Remote Name: Comments The definitions of what information regarding 9-1-1 calls canbe released are fairly clear-cut. However our agency maintains 3seven-digit lines that are also utilized as emergency numberswhich are processed through the same CAD system that 9-1-1 callsare processed through. …

9-1-1 used for other than emergent calls?

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] 9-1-1 used for other than emergent calls? From: Bob Amick, Communications Manager, DPS, Univ ofColo. Boulder. Please respond to: [email protected]Date: 24 Apr 1997Time: 17:39:48Remote Name: Comments Our Manager’s group has been asked to research any agenciesthat promote the use of 9-1-1 for other than emergent calls. Wewould like input on: 1. Problems with …