How do we get tax increase on the ballot?

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] How do we get tax increase on the ballot? From: Sue Huffman, PSAP Supervisor, Jefferson County9-1-1, MODate: 17 Jun 1997Time: 23:07:51Remote Name: Comments We currently receive user fees form departments and 9-1-1 taxon phone bills. Need to know how to get a sales tax levy onntheballot. NEED HELP! [general/_private/general_aftr.htm]

Re: Dispatcher Schedules (12hr,10hr,8hr,24hr) andStatistics

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: Dispatcher Schedules (12hr,10hr,8hr,24hr) and Statistics From: Kent Hall Date: 09 Jun 1997Time: 15:51:20Remote Name: Comments I attended STAFFING & SCHEDULING FORDISPATCH/COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES with a supervisor and one ofour line staff. Presented by David Hobson STAFFING &SCHEDULING 2212 Atrisco Circle Sacramento, CA 98533 Very informative, a great help in attacking the variousissues including …

Re: Entrance Examainations

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: Entrance Examainations From: Kent HallDate: 09 Jun 1997Time: 15:38:20Remote Name: Comments Contact: American Tescor Peter Bullard, Ph.D. 1470 SW OspreyDrive Suite 285 Beaverton, OR 97007 503/579-3477 800/422-6659 503/579-4872 fax Also: Profile Evaluations Inc (PEI) Employee EvaluationProgram Candice Solie 612/446-9115 FAX 612/446-9069 We use these as well as background checks, oral boards andskills …

Scheduling Problem!

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Scheduling Problem! From: Bob GuyanDate: 03 Jun 1997Time: 10:36:13Remote Name: Comments Iam Looking for suggestions or examples of dispatch schedulesfor a Comm. Center employing four full time CommunicationsOfficers. The one we presently use is known as the “SouthernSwing” and is terrible! We are open to ANY suggestions.Thanks You can post it here, fax …

Entrance Examainations

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Entrance Examainations From: Wally Justice ([email protected]Date: 02 Jun 1997Time: 22:40:08Remote Name: Comments Does anyone use or know of a company that sells entranceexaminations that is based on the skills that a person mustposses to become a good 911 dispatcher? At this time we are usinga general knowledge test but it is more of …

Finding and Keeping Good Dispatchers

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Finding and Keeping Good Dispatchers From: Roxanna McGinnis ([email protected])Date: 02 Jun 1997Time: 20:55:07Remote Name: Comments I work at a 9-1-1 dispatch center for a county of about 80,000in western Montana. In the past several years, it seems like ithas been almost impossible to find and keep good dispatchers.Five years ago, we could expect …

Re: 9-1-1 used for other than emergent calls?

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: 9-1-1 used for other than emergent calls? From: Roxanna McGinnisDate: 02 Jun 1997Time: 20:14:12Remote Name: Comments Bob, I just noticed you hadn’t heard from any dispatch centersthat actually do promote non-emergent use of 9-1-1. I work at theMissoula, MT 9-1-1 center, where 9-1-1 is the only number to callwhen someone wants to …

Re: Public/Press Access to Non 9-1-1 Calls

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: Public/Press Access to Non 9-1-1 Calls From: [email protected]Date: 02 Jun 1997Time: 09:31:10Remote Name: Comments We are working on a research project and were wondering if youhad received a response to your question posted April 24,regarding confidentiality of 911 calls and records. We appreciateyour help. [general/_private/general_aftr.htm]

Re: 311

[general/_private/general_ahdr.htm] Re: 311 From: Nate McClureDate: 28 May 1997Time: 19:55:14Remote Name: Comments Baltimore, MD which has the only operational 311 systemimplemented it as a part of a multi-faceted system upgrade. Thenumber of 9-1-1 operators was increased. The number of officersassigned to answer 311 or telephone reporting was increased byover 50%, and an extensive public …